Atari Faicon030 Owner's Manual page 150

32-bit computer
Table of Contents


The system will not start from
the hard d isk.
An application program will not
start from the hard disk.
Identify i n g and Replac i n g or E ras i ng
Co rru pted Data
If you sti l l have problems, your hard disk may have developed u nusable data.
Un usable data appears altered or is unusable. Try erasing individual bad fi les and
replacing them with val i d backups. If replacement is not possible, fol low these
steps to try and recover data:
Suggested Solution
Run the hard disk driver
instal lation program
( H I NSTALL.PRG.) If the
problem continues, the hard d isk
should be backed up and
reformatted . (See I nternal I D E
Hard Disk i n this Chapter . )
T h e program contains garbled
data or was not designed to start
from a hard disk.
Try starting your system from the
floppy disk drive with a working
copy of the program. Attempt to
run the program from the program
disk. If it sti l l will not run, contact
the prog ram's man ufacturer for
more i nformation.
Troubleshooting and Maintenance


Table of Contents

Table of Contents