Limiting The Source Output - HP 3563A Operating Manual

Control systems analyzer
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Limiting the Source Output

Because auto gain can adjust the source output level to maintain the reference level, it is sometimes
necessary to place a limit on the source leveL This may be needed to limit input levels (to prevent
damage to the system under test) or output levels (to prevent distortion caused by overloading the
HP 3563A's inputs), The source can be limited from 5 m V to 5V; the default value is 5 m V. (The
source level changes in 5 m V increments.) Source limit applies only to levels automatically set by the
auto gain feature, not to levels entered manually by the user.
The source limit does not guarantee any limit on the output of a device under test.
Auto gain predicts the future response of the system and attempts to maintain the
reference level, but a narrow resonant peak may escape predetection. Take this
into consideration when measuring devices with potentially high amplitude
responses at resonant frequencies.
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Setting Up The Source: Swept Sine Mode
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