Where To Find Additional Information; Applications Information - HP 3563A Operating Manual

Control systems analyzer
Table of Contents


Where to Find Additional Inform at ion

Where to Find Additional Information

Additional information is available [or the HP 3563A, as shown below. You received all of this
information, except for the H P 3563A Service Manual, with your purchase of the HP 3563A. If you
need additional copies, contact your local HP Sales and Service Office. HP Sales and Service Office
locations are listed in the back of this manual.
HP 3563A Installation Guide
HP 3563A Getting Started Guide
HP 3563A Programming Reference
HP 3563A Service Manual (option 915)
Help text (see "HELP Hardkey" later in this chapter for details)
Visual help (see chapters 2 and 12 for details)
The HP 3563A Installation Guide contains specifications, installation instructions, and performance
tests. The HP 3563A Getting Started Guide helps you with your first measurements. It contains an
overview of and introduction to the analyzer plus digital details, control system methods and models,
and a control system tutorial. The HP 3563A Programming Reference tells you how to control the
HP 3563A via HP-IB. The HP 3563A Service Manual shows you how to maintain, troubleshoot, and
repair the HP 3563A Internal to the HP 3563A are help text and visual help. Press HELP to access
the HP 3563A's help text- reference information about any hardkey or softkey. Press SPCL FCTN
to access the HP 3563A's visual help - a graphic illustration of the current analyzer
A pplications Information
Additionally, you will find applications information in numerous Hewlett-Packard Application and
Product Notes. These are available from your local HP Sales and Service Office. In particular, you
might want to read the following notes (the HP 3563A Getting Started Guide includes all of these
AN 243 - The Fundamentals of Signal Analysis
AN 243-2 - Control System Development Using Dynamic Signal Analyzers
AN 243-4 - Fundamentals of the z-domain & Mixed AnaloglDigital Measurements
H P 3562A-3 - Curve Fitting in the HP 3562A
HP 3563A-l - z-Domain Curve Fitting in the HP 3563A Analyzer
HP 3563A-2 - Example Microprocessor Interfacing with the HP 3563A
Designer'S Guide to: Linear Control-System Theory (reprint of three separate EDN articles)
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents