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Nokia Alcatel-Lucent OXO Connect Series Installation Manual page 105


Virtual terminal
Voice Mail Unit ports
SIP Companion SIP Gateways
The SIP Gateways page displays the data related to the SIP gateways used by VoIP Trunks:
Index of the SIP gateway
IndexLabel of the SIP gateway
DomainName of the SIP gateway
IP Address of the SIP gateway
Status of the SIP gateway
Hostname (hidden by default)
Local domain name (hidden by default)
Realm (hidden by default)
Outbound proxy IP address (hidden by default)
Outbound proxy domain (hidden by default)
Registrar name (hidden by default)
Registrar IP address (hidden by default) Licenses
The Licenses page displays:
The list of software keys (Main and CTI software keys).
For each key, the following information is displayed:
Remaining days in temporary mode
Value of the encoded key
The list of software key features:
License: Feature name
Value of the license for the feature (enabled, disabled, etc.)
The software assurance:
Period (months)
Ending date Alarms
The Alarm page displays only the urgent alarms. Other alarms can be consulted in the OMC.
The Alarm page displays the list of the last 100 urgent alarms.
For each raised urgent alarm, the following information is displayed:
Date of the alarm
Description of the alarm
In case of an alarm related to an equipment:
Slot (hidden by default)
Equipment in the slot (hidden by default)
Halfboard (hidden by default)
EventId: main type of the alarm (hidden by default)
SubEvent: subtype of the alarm (hidden by default)
CompInfo fields to display complementary information (hidden by default)
8AL91217USAA - Ed. 01 - July 2018 - Installation Manual
Configuring services

