Oil System - Malibu Boats Wakesetter 20VTX 2019 Owner's Manual

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Instructions for inspecting and cleaning the sea strainer (raw
water intake) are provided above, under Before the Outing.
The following information concerns the closed cooling system,
which should be checked at least annually, even if there have been
no instances of overheating during outings:
The closed cooling operates on a 50/50 mix of marine-grade
coolant (such as Sierra) and clean, distilled water. (Some brands
sell coolant conveniently pre-mixed. Be sure to read the label
carefully, and DO NOT add any water to coolants that are pre-
mixed. This will dilute them to unacceptable levels of mixture.)
When mixing coolant and distilled water, do so in a CLEAN
container. Dirt, oil, or other contaminants can cause damage to the
cooling system, which may not be covered under warranty.
The coolant in the closed cooling system should be
changed every two (2) years, but a thorough inspection is
required annually.

Oil System

Replacing the oil filter and oil is an important part of the annual
maintenance. Due to environmental concerns, Malibu recommends
having an authorized Malibu dealer complete this important function.
For those who feel confident they can complete this maintenance
step with guidance, the following steps must be followed:
Have eight (8) quarts of 5W30 SYNTHETIC engine oil,
regardless of which Malibu engine is installed. The use of any
other oil or fluid may void the warranty.
Whenever possible, run the boat for approximately five (5)
minutes on the water. This will heat up the oil to a better viscosity
for draining.
Draining the Oil:
1. Have a drain pan or container ready. (Never pour used oil
on the ground or into the water. This is illegal in most instances.
Regardless, it does not respect the environmental impact.)
2. The oil drain line is located on the starboard side of the engine
oil pan through a fitting, and it is approximately four (4) feet long.
2019 Malibu Boats, LLC Owner's Manual • Page 187
3. If a siphon pump is not available for use in this process, run the
drain hose through the transom drain plug location (with the boat
OUT OF THE WATER; removing the transom drain plug while in the
water could result in the boat taking on water and sinking).
4. Because the line will not feed through the drain plug with the line
cap on, raise the line above the oil pan. This creates a "P-Trap" as
the end of the drain hose is fed through the transom drain plug to
allow the gravitational flow of used oil.
5. If a siphon pump is available, remove the drain line cap, create a
seal on the siphon hose and start the pump.
6. About eight (8) quarts of used oil should drain into the catch
container. Typically, engines burn a small amount of oil during
operation. An authorized Malibu dealer technician can advise you
whether you should be concerned about the amount of oil used
between oil changes.
Replacing the Oil Filter:
1. Oil filters are located on
the front of the engine.
2. Remove the oil filter
3. Use a tool designed for
removal or installation of oil
filters only. Other tools may
crush the filter and release
used oil into the engine
compartment, the boat or the work area.
4. "Righty tight-y; lefty loose-y." Never force the oil filter. It
necessarily must be on the engine securely, but it should release with
only hand force when using an oil filter removal tool.


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