Check The Other Components - Malibu Boats Wakesetter 20VTX 2019 Owner's Manual

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Check the Other Components

This is a common sense approach. If you've been boating in
dirty water, cleaning out the sea strainer now instead of waiting until
the debris inside it has dried (and therefore become more difficult
to remove) makes sense. You want to check the paddlewheel,
rudder, propeller, and driveshaft to make sure they appear intact,
too, especially if you suspect that you may have struck something
submerged during the outing. These are easy checks after the boat
has been loaded on the trailer and removed from the water.
Check anything else on the boat that did not function as expected
during the outing and seek assistance from your authorized Malibu
dealer about any concerns and issues prior to the next outing.
Note How Much Fuel and
Battery Charge Were Used
Malibu recommends keeping a chart or binder with information
from your outing. If you note the conditions during the outing, the
length of time, and the final readings, you'll have a much better
idea of normal operations. That gives you the clues you need when
readings are different or you are anticipating an outing that will be
different and you need to prepare for those conditions.
Give the Boat a Good
General Cleaning as Outlined
in the On-Going Care Information
that Precedes This Section
As noted earlier, On-Going Care is important. Read that section to
determine the normal expectations regarding routine care. Read the
Salt Water/Brackish Water Extra Attention section, which follows. Even
boating in "clean" water, you add protection and quality care for your
boat by following the cleaning requirements. The same components
that need added protection from salt/brackish water will also retain their
luster and live longer if the same attention is applied to them.
Salt Water/Brackish Water
Extra Attention
To properly protect and ensure long life for vulnerable
components, following the operation in salt or brackish water, provide
extra attention to the cleaning process.
Begin by gathering the following supplies:
WD-40 Long-Term Corrosion Inhibitor (as opposed to regular
WD-40; the typical WD-40 does not contain all the protective
ingredients of the Long-Term Corrosion Inhibitor)
Corrosion Block
Micro-fiber towels
2019 Malibu Boats, LLC Owner's Manual • Page 182
thoroughly rinsed with CLEAN, fresh water after EACH
outing. The corrosive properties of these types of water
will cause damage that is not covered under warranty!
Hardware—even hardware chose for its anti-corrosive
properties—that is damaged by salt/brackish/polluted
water may eventually fail, which could result in serious
injury or death to persons on-board.
The following areas, where equipped, should always receive
special attention when cleaning after boating in salt/brackish/polluted
1 = Ladder
2 = Ladder door hinges
3 = Ladder door handle
4 = Bow grab handles
5 = Front cup holders
6 = Arm rests
7 = Vent covers
Boats operated in salt
water, brackish water or
polluted fresh water must be


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