Calculation Example 1: Base, Dem, Cems, Pems; Calculation Example 2: Base And Cem; Calculation Example 3: Base, Dem, Cems, Aem - Oracle StorageTek SL3000 System Assurance Manual

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Calculation Example 1: Base, DEM, CEMs, PEMs

The example library has a Base module, a DEM, two CEMs (one on each side of
centerline), and two PEMs (one on each end of the library).
Base module
Contains an op panel and three drive arrays. There are modules to the right and left.
320 (standard) + 0 (op panel) + 13 (right module) + 88 (left module) –
66 (2nd drive array) – 72 (3rd drive array) = 283
Contains a window array, a CAP, and four drive arrays. There is a module to the left.
410 (standard) + 88 (left module) + 23 (window array) – 77 (CAP)
– 66 (2nd drive array) – 72 (3rd drive array) – 78 (4th drive array) = 228
Left CEM
The module is installed left of centerline. There is a module to the left.
516 (standard) + 104 (left module) = 620
Right CEM
Contains a CAP. The module is installed right of centerline with a module to the right.
620 (standard) – 78 (CAP) = 542
There are two PEMs, one on each end of the library. The left PEM contains a CAP.
313 (standard right PEM) + 308 (standard left PEM) - 78 (CAP) = 542
Library Total
283 (Base) + 228 (DEM) + 620 (left CEM) + 542 (right CEM) + 542 (PEMs) = 2,215

Calculation Example 2: Base and CEM

The example library has a Base module and a CEM to the right of centerline.
Base module
Contains a window array and three drive arrays. There is a module to the right.
320 (standard) + 13 (right module) + 23 (window array) – 55 (2nd drive array)
– 60 (3rd drive array) = 241
Right CEM
Contains a CAP. The module is installed right of centerline with a module to the left.
516 (standard) + 104 (left module) – 78 (CAP) = 542
Library Total
241 (Base) + 542 (right CEM) = 783

Calculation Example 3: Base, DEM, CEMs, AEM

The example library has a Base module, DEM, two CEMs (one on each side of
centerline), and a single AEM on the right for bulk loading. Oracle does not
recommend installing a single AEM on the right. If the AEM was installed on the left
end of the library, 104 additional cartridge slots would be accessible in the far left
4-2 StorageTek SL3000 Systems Assurance Guide


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