NEC UNIVERGE SV8100 Installation Manual

NEC UNIVERGE SV8100 Installation Manual

Mycalls console


SV8100 MyCalls Console Installation Manual
Version 1.2 for MyCalls
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Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for NEC UNIVERGE SV8100

  • Page 1 SV8100 MyCalls Console Installation Manual Version 1.2 for MyCalls P a g e...
  • Page 2 Revision History Version Date Notes November 2014 Release December 2014 Release for November 2015 Release for P a g e...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Installation Process ..........................5 Description .............................. 5 Standard Features ..........................6 Advanced Features ..........................7 How it Works............................8 PBX Configuration ........................... 9 Virtual Extensions ..........................9 Pre Routing Department Group ......................11 Class of Service ..........................12 Miscellaneous ...........................
  • Page 4 Reference Documents ........................... 44 Installing TAPI on a Different PC to the MyCalls Server ................ 45 Disable the Service on the MyCalls Server ..................45 Carry out The Custom Install......................47 P a g e...
  • Page 5: Installation Process

    Installation Process This manual assumes that you are familiar with system programming on the SV8100 and MyCalls. The MyCalls server should be installed in the usual manner as described in the MyCalls Installation manual. The console requires the PBX to be configured as described in this manual, if any of the programming is overlooked then the console will not function correctly.
  • Page 6: Standard Features

    Standard Features Standard Operator Console features are summarised in the table below. Feature Description See a list of calls waiting to be answered. Details such as Calls Waiting CLI, DDI and wait time are displayed. See the active calls and its history. Notes can be added Active Call to calls and are displayed against the call.
  • Page 7: Advanced Features

    Advanced Features With the Advanced routing license, you get all the standard console features plus the following. Feature Description Calls can be automatically delivered from the calls Automatic Call Delivery waiting area to logged in operators. Priority Routing Calls can be prioritised based on CLI or DDI. Back To Same Operator Calls can be routed back to the same operator that Routing...
  • Page 8: How It Works

    How it Works The MyCalls Console uses 3 Party TAPI to monitor extensions on the PBX, by doing this it knows which are free and which are busy. A set of virtual extensions are setup on the PBX that MyCalls is aware of, these are split into 3 configuration items and carry out different functions.
  • Page 9: Pbx Configuration

    PBX Configuration There are several items that need to be configured on the PBX for the operator console to run correctly. These have been grouped together in PC Pro > Easy Edit > Applications > MyCalls Console. Virtual Extensions DDI Calls arrive at a station group that contains 3 virtual extensions, these are the pre-routing extensions.
  • Page 10 The next set of virtual extensions that next to be created are the routing extensions, these need to be assigned to an unused department group. This is just a good practice exercise to prevent calls from being accidently delivered to the routing extensions, calls should never be directly routed to the routing extensions.
  • Page 11: Pre Routing Department Group

    Pre Routing Department Group The pre routing department group can be configured in PC Pro > Easy Edit > Applications > MyCalls Console > Pre Routing Department Group. Only the pre routing extensions should be put into this group. The group should be given a valid pilot number and a meaningful name. The other options should be configured as follows.
  • Page 12: Class Of Service

    Class of Service Calls are delivered to the operator console during a specified night mode(s) on the PBX. During which time some class of service setting have to be applied to any operator’s extension(s) and the configured virtual extensions. The MyCalls software is responsible for routing calls to the operator’s extension and also responsible for transfer / recall of un-answered transferred calls.
  • Page 13 Once the extensions have been put into a class of service then the class of service settings have to be applied. In class of service settings disable all of the call pickup options, enable Disconnect Supervision and No Callback. The operator extensions (not the virtual extensions) have to be assigned to a timer class for the night mode on the system when calls will be delivered to the operator console.
  • Page 14: Miscellaneous

    Miscellaneous Under the Miscellaneous section of PC Pro make sure the MyCalls Operator Extensions are NOT listed in the Operator extensions. This references the PBX’s operator functionality and not the MyCalls Operator functionality. Disconnect Supervision can be enabled system wide here. Line Keys and Call Appearance Keys The MyCalls console has been designed to work on a system that doesn’t have Line Keys or Call Appearance keys programmed on the system.
  • Page 15: Resilience

    Resilience The MyCalls console relies on the MyCalls server being able to talk to the PBX via the 3 Party TAPI driver and in turn routes calls to the operator. If for example, the MyCalls server failed and wasn’t working then calls would not be routed to the operator. It is therefore important to configure a night mode that the operator can switch the PBX to in case there is a problem.
  • Page 16: Rd Party Tapi Driver

    Party TAPI Driver MyCalls uses the 3 Party TAPI driver to move calls around in the operator console and to facilitate call control. The TAPI driver should be installed on the MyCalls server. There is a separate installation manual available for the 3 Party TAPI that details how to install it.
  • Page 17: Mycalls Configuration

    MyCalls Configuration Once the PBX programming is complete, then all of the MyCalls licenses should be installed on the PBX. Carry out the installation of the MyCalls server as normal, license MyCalls and do the config import. Details on how to install the MyCalls server are available in the MyCalls installation manual. The licensed operator console features can be shown in the MyCalls application in the Help >...
  • Page 18: Collector Configuration

    The first step of the MyCalls configuration is to add a TAPI collector using the Collector Configuration application. Start the Collector Configuration in: Start > Programs > NEC Infrontia > MyCalls > Collector Configuration Login to the application with a PBX administrator user account and expand Local Collector, navigate down to TAPI Connections and click Create a New TAPI Connection.
  • Page 19 Back in the Collector Configuration application, you will see the TAPI collector has been added, select it and click Edit Telephone System Template. In the Edit the Telephone System Template configuration screen, select ‘Generic TAPI’ in the ‘Select a template’ drop down menu. Click OK to save the changes and close down the Collector Configuration application.
  • Page 20: Mycalls Configuration

    MyCalls Configuration The remaining configuration is carried out in the MyCalls application, login as a PBX administrator and click Configure > Telephone System > PBX > Call Control > Configure Call Control. From the ‘Control Type’ drop down menu, select Generic Tapi and click the Edit button. 20 | P a g e...
  • Page 21 In the TAPI Connection Configuration, enter the name of the PC that has the TAPI driver and Call Control Service installed on it. This is always the MyCalls server unless you decided to install them on different PC’s. Note: If you upgraded from MyCalls version 4 or prior then you have to manually enter the word “Virtual Ext”...
  • Page 22 Note: If you have upgraded from MyCalls version 4 or prior it may be necessary to manually modify a setting in a configuration file. The file Collector.exe.config is situated in the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\NEC Infrontia\MyCalls Take care when editing the file as if it contains any invalid information, it will cause problems with MyCalls.
  • Page 23: Creating Console Users

    Creating Console Users Users have to be created and nominated as console users, in Configure > Organisation click Create a new user. Enter a name for the user and set the user role as required. In the menu on the left hand side, select Operator Console and check ‘Enable Operator Console’ then set the other options a required.
  • Page 24 Feature Description With the standard operator console license, the delivery mode can only be manual, this means calls are presented to the operator queue and the operator requests a call out of the queue to answer. Delivery Mode If the advanced license is installed then auto delivery can be enabled, when this is enabled, calls are automatically delivered from the queue to the operator’s phone.
  • Page 25: Console Configuration

    Console Configuration The next stage of the configuration is to tell MyCalls which virtual extensions to monitor. This is done in: Configure > Telephone System > PBX > Operator Console > System Settings > Routing Configuration. In the’ Pre-routing Extension pool’ area, enter the pre-routing virtual extension numbers that are part Pre Routing Department group.
  • Page 26 In the ‘Failover Configuration’ you can enter a destination number on the PBX. If calls are not answered by the operator then they will be presented to this number. Message Templates can be configured so that the Operator can quickly send email messages to users.
  • Page 27 Changes can be made to various timers used by the Operator Console, the table below explains the behaviour of the timers. Item Setting After this timer, calls placed on hold by the operator Hold Alert will be highlighted in the console application. Calls that are parked will be highlighted after this Park Alert timer expires.
  • Page 28: Configure Operator Console User Options

    Configure Operator Console User Options The Options that are configured in Configure > Organisation > Users > Operator Console are also available in Configure > Telephone System > PBX > Operator Console > Manage Operator Console Users. This allows all users to be displayed / configured at the same time. A list of operators will be displayed here, there is an option in the bottom left corner of the dialogue box to display all users.
  • Page 29: Configure Operator Managed Ddi's

    Configure Operator Managed DDI’s DDI calls that an operator will handle have to be enabled for operator routing, this is done in: Configure > Telephone System > PBX > Operator Console > Manage Operator Console DID’s Select ‘Managed By Operator’ for each DDI that the operator will handle. The same can be done for trunks in: Configure >...
  • Page 30: Assign Operator Console Users To Ddi's

    Assign Operator Console Users to Devices If there are multiple operators that handle different DDI’s, Trunks and internal calls, these can be assigned in here. If all operators handle the same calls then all users should be assigned to all users. In the top left hand corner of the screen, there is a list of operator managed devices, select the required options.
  • Page 31: Advanced Routing Features

    Advanced Routing Features This section acts as a guide for explaining each advanced feature and how they are configured, a more detailed explanation of the advanced feature is available in the MyCalls End User Guide. The configuration screens are slightly different when the advanced routing license is installed, the first two settings are in Configure >...
  • Page 32 There are extra configuration items in the Manage Operator Console DDI’s option to set a priority for each DDI – 1 being low and 8 being high. The Failover Device can be set for each DDI and Same Operator routing can be enabled. Similarly Priority can be assigned to callers that exist in MyCalls.
  • Page 33: Using The Operator Console

    Using the Operator Console There is a separate user guide available that explains the console features in detail. This manual explains how to get started with the operator console. Use the desktop icon to launch the MyCalls Operator Console application and you will be prompted to login. Enter a user name and password as required to logon to the Console, you can click browse to search for a user name if required.
  • Page 34: The Default Action Button

    The Default Action Button The default action button changes based upon the status of the operators extension, for example if the operators phone is ringing, the button will say ‘Answer.’ You can either press the Enter key or click the action button to perform the action. When the extension is ringing Answer is shown: After clicking the Answer Button, the default action is to Hang Up the calls: As further actions are carried out such as transferring calls the action button will continue to change in context to the operators actions.
  • Page 35: Answering Calls

    Directly below the default action button, the call notes box indicates that the DDI called was called ‘Ops DDI’ and the CLI was matched as ‘NEC Main No’. 35 | P a g e...
  • Page 36: The Quick Find Window

    Once the call is answered, the operator can make notes against the call, the screenshot below shows the operator added a note saying “This is a Call for David Job.” Notes can be useful when handling many calls to keep a track of who a caller asked to speak to. The Quick Find Window This useful search feature allows an operator to try and find a contact that they can transfer calls to.
  • Page 37: Action Buttons

    Once a search has been performed you can right click on one of the items and perform any of the available actions. The screenshot below shows the options available when the operator’s extension is idle and they are not on a call. Action Buttons Action buttons can be created in the lower right hand corner of the console to provide quick access to useful operator features.
  • Page 38 Full details of how to setup and configure the action buttons are in the End User manual, a brief summary of creating status buttons is as follows. In the Actions Tab, right click in any area and select Edit, this puts the grid into Edit mode and allows buttons to the configured.
  • Page 39: Transferring Calls

    Once an Action button is created, you can left click on dial the extension or right click on it to perform further actions. If the operator is on a call then more options are available when right clicking on an action button. Transferring Calls Once the operator has answered a call then it can be transferred using either the Quick Find window or a status button.
  • Page 40 The call will immediately be transferred to the destination, and the extension will show the status of ringing. It will also appear in the ‘Calls being transferred’ window on the left hand side and if no other calls are in progress, the default action button will change to ‘Recall Transferred Call.’ The operator may recall the call by clicking the action button or by right clicking the call in the calls being transferred area and choosing to recall transferred call.
  • Page 41: Putting Calls On Hold

    To perform a supervised transfer of call then right click on an intended destination and choose the option for Supervised Transfer. This will put the outside caller on hold and make an internal call to the extension. Note the call is displayed in the lower left hand corner of the screen in the Call parked of held window.
  • Page 42: Managed Park

    Managed Park Managed Park is used to transfer a call to another MyCalls user, when you select managed park a list of active MyCalls users is displayed, you can select one of the user in the list and click OK. If a device is selected in the Quick Find Window then the call is held for that user, if the user doesn’t have MyCalls or MyCalls Desktop open then they will not see the call.
  • Page 43: System Park

    System Park The Operator Console can also put calls into the parking bays on the PBX, this allows the operator to make the calls available pickup easily by users. When the operator chooses to use the System Park feature, a list of Parking Bays is displayed. If any other calls have been parked by any of the operator’s through the MyCalls application then they will be list or Park Orbits.
  • Page 44: Reference Documents

    Reference Documents This manual makes reference to other documents that can be required for when installing the MyCalls Operator Console. Document Description The manual that explains how to install the MyCalls MyCalls Installation manual software. The manual that explains technical scope of the MyCalls Boundary Document MyCalls product suite An End user guide explaining all the MyCalls features...
  • Page 45: Installing Tapi On A Different Pc To The Mycalls Server

    Installing TAPI on a Different PC to the MyCalls Server Where possible the TAPI driver should be installed on the same PC as the MyCalls server, this keeps all of the MyCalls services in the same place and simplifies any troubleshooting. If for some reason the TAPI driver has to be installed on a different PC to the MyCalls server, the installation process is described here.
  • Page 46 The MyCalls all begin with ‘KSS’ and are set with the Startup Type of Automatic. To disable the Call Control and Collector Service, right click on them and select Properties. In the Startup Type drop down menu, select Disabled. If the service is running, then it can be stopped by clicking the Stop button.
  • Page 47: Carry Out The Custom Install

    Carry out The Custom Install Make sure the MyCalls server is fully running and then on the PC running the TAPI driver, start the MyCalls installation program and choose a Custom Install. When prompted choose to install the Call Collector, Call Collector Configuration and Call Control Server.
  • Page 48 At the Call Collector Name, leave Local Collector in the text box and click next. On the database server screen, select the location of the MyCalls database. This usually exists on the MyCalls server unless you carried out a custom install of the databases, you can click browse to find the database server.
  • Page 49 At the Client Installation prompt, enter the name of the MyCalls server. The location information will be greyed out, click Next. 49 | P a g e...
  • Page 50 Once the installation has completed, start the Collector Configuration Application in Start > Programs > NEC Infrontia > MyCalls and login as an administrator user. The collector will take its configuration from the MyCalls server. If the TAPI collector has already configured then it will be visible under the TAPI Connections menu.
  • Page 51 The final step is to point the Call Control Server in the MyCalls configuration to the new Call Control Server. Open the MyCalls application and login as an administrator click: Configure > Telephone System > PBX > Call Control > Call Control > Configure Call Control Make sure that that Control Type is set as Generic TAPI and click Edit.
  • Page 52 52 | P a g e...

Table of Contents