Ramp Control; Reversing Direction; Control Loops; Fault Detection Notes - Danaher Motion s200 User Manual

Position node
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The S200 PN has a dedicated hardware enable input. There a software enable. TO get power to
the power stage, and motor, both must be enabled. The S200 has the ability to allow the user to
set the default state of the software enable at power up. A variable named AENA (Auto Enable)
defaults to '1' (Logic true) when the drive is set to factory default values. The user can modify the
state of this variable (Auto enable = 0) to allow the drive to not software enable at power up. This
feature is most often used with field bus controllers. Most system designers will choose when to
enable the drive over the serial port versus the hardware input. The hardware input is still
required to be active but may be hard-wired on or placed in some machine safety chain.
5.16 R
Ramp control refers the acceleration (accel) and deceleration (decal) rates the motor will have.
The S200 PN has many settings for ramp control. Each motion task can be defined with its own
accel and decal rates. Homing can be set to have its own accel and decal rate. And a Stop, or
Emergency Stop command can have its own deceleration rate. All velocity moves, such as Digital
Velocity mode and Jogs use the accel and decel settings established for the homing procedure.
5.17 R
Occasionally the system may be better served if the direction of motor operation was reversed.
This makes sense when the machine operator thinks in positive numbers but the desired direction
would take negative numbers. Although direction change is not directly supported in the GUI it is
possible to reverse the direction using the Online Variable Editor. The DIR variable is normally
set to a value of 21 by default. Modifying the value to 0 will change the direction of reference for
Motion Tasking moves. Reference change only affects the position loop data. CW/CCW inhibits
and jogs stay referenced to CW/CCW always.
5.18 C
Current Loop: The S200 Position Node closes the current loop at 1.6 MHz for extremely good
performance. The current loop is automatically tuned after receiving the motor inductance value.
No further adjustments are required.
Velocity Loop: The S200 Position Node closes the velocity loop at the rate of 16kHz allowing
extremely good velocity loop control with very little phase lag.
Position Loop: The S200 Position Node closes the Potion Loop at the rate of 4 kHz allowing
extremely good performance.
5.19 F
The S200 Position Node has internal fault diagnostics. Many are self-explanatory and the last
section in this document provides information about the faults. In general it is often times better to
trap faults that occur. The S200 Position Node defaults to disable under voltage detection. The
user is advised to set the under voltage detection level to a reasonable level.


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