Drive Memory And File Discussion - Danaher Motion s200 User Manual

Position node
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The S200 Position Node has the ability to store or obtain data from different locations.
The operating system, or drive firmware, is resident in flash memory and may be upgraded using
the S200 OC Tools GUI program. A portion of this program is called the Boot Loader and is not
updated at the time of firmware load. When the Boot-loader executes an 'I' is put in the seven
segment display.
User settings, or configuration, during run-time is stored in internal Random Access Memory
(RAM) that is subject to data loss at power cycling. All communications between the drive and the
GUI read or modify variables in RAM.
The S200 has Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) to store the
user configuration, or settings. EEPROMs save data through power cycle and are called non-
volatile. The S200 Position Node will not automatically save the user settings to EEPROM. The
only time that the settings are written EEPROM are under the command of the user by ether the
menu Utility 'Save Drive Parameters to Permanent Memory (NVSAVE), or the associated mouse
or by a COLDSTART which all transfer the contents of the RAM variables to the
EEPROM memory.
EEPROM Memory is transferred to RAM memory automatically upon power up initialization. The
user can also force this function through the S200 OC Tools Utility: Upload Drive Parameters
From Permanent Memory (NVLOAD).
The S200 Position Node is designed to be used mainly with Danaher Motion's AKM series of
motors which are offered with Smart Feedback Devices (SFD). The SFD motors contain the
motor-specific data within the SFD itself. The S200 Position Node powers up and looks at the
state of the 'Use SFD Parameters Setting'. If true, the drive will upload the motor settings from the
drive and overwrite those in RAM. If false, the parameters loaded into RAM from power up
initialization are used.
Since the user can configure many variables within the S200 Position Node we desire a way to
return all these variables back to a known beginning state. The Utility 'Reset to factory defaults'
can be used for this purpose – it resets the users settings to factory default values. The function
works with RAM variables only and does not save to NVMEM.
There are several hardware switches on the S200 PN. These are a form of memory. These are
only read at the time of power up initialization. The user wishing to change switch settings will not
notice them taking affect until power is cycled. An exception to that rule is during the firmware
load process where the operator is instructed to open S13-4.
The memory associated with remembering the baud rate (RS232.Baudrate) acts like the switches
mentioned above. To change the baud rate the user would change the value of RS232.Baudrate,
save to NVMEM and then cycle power. This method allows the drive to continue to communicate
at the present baud setting to complete the process in an orderly fashion.
The S200 Position Node has a motor data base provided with it. Users of SFD feedback devices
would only need to access the database if the drive is set up for 'Do not use SFD Parameters'
This allows the user to configure something different than the default values of the applied AKM
motor. Users wishing to have Comcoder feedback will need to use the Motor Database and/or
Motor Database editor.


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