Data Format; Figure 15. Sample Patient Data (_Gd.csv File); Figure 16. Sample Capnography Waveform Data (_Cw.csv File); Figure 17. Sample Pulse Timing Data (_Pt.csv File) - Nonin LS1 Operator's Manual

Lifesense ii
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Data Format

The download directory name is the monitor's serial number (XXXXXXXXX) followed by the current
date and time.
Example: XXXXXXXXX_YYYY_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss
NOTE: If the correct date/time does not display, see Date/Time Screen for more information on
setting the clock.
Within the directory, patient data records are downloaded using a comma separated values (.csv)
format. The file names are automatically generated using the record number (XXXX), the start date
and time of the record, and the data type (zz).
Example: XXXX_ YYYY_MM_DD_hh_mm_ss_zz.csv
The data type ("_zz" in example) options are _gd (patient readings, alarm limits, and volume), _cw
(capnography waveform data), and _pt (pulse timing data).
NOTE: The patient data and capnography waveform data files are read and displayed using the
Capno Report Converter software (see Accessories).
Figure 16. Sample Capnography Waveform
Data (_cw.csv File)
Date: month, day, year
Hours, minutes, seconds (_gd.csv files)
Hours, minutes, seconds, 1/10 second (_cw.csv files if using "hh:mm:ss:0" custom cell format)
Hours, minutes, seconds, 1/100 second (_pt.csv files if using "hh:mm:ss:00" custom cell format)
, PR, EtCO
, and RR are the current values (_gd.csv files). CO
files). Pulse_Time is the time between consecutive pulses in seconds (_pt.csv files). Blank if data is
missing [dashes on display].

Figure 15. Sample Patient Data (_gd.csv File)

Figure 17. Sample Pulse Timing Data
(_pt.csv File)
is the current value (_cw.csv
Data Output and Software


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