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Injection Timing - Perkins L4 Workshop Manual


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Turn camshaft until equal lift is obtainecl on
tbc tappcts of No. 4 cylinder.
Turn thc enginc through two revoluûons of thc
crankshaft and check the fuel pump timing accord-
ing to instructions for checking injection timing.
Turn fuel pump gear until scribed line marked
with the letter
,. S"
on thc fuel pump adaptor is
in linc with the scribed linc on the pointer on the
fue) pump.
To check timing proceed as follows
Place tbc idler gear in position.
(a) Valve Timing.
Remove valve cover.
Replace push rods and rocker sb;.ft assembly.
Check valve and injection timing.
If found to be
correct, tighten idler gear retaining jetscrew and
lock witb tab washer. For setting valve clearance1
and cbecking valve timing sec method "To ChecJ:
Remove atomisers.
Turn engine until equal lift is obtained on the
tappets of No. 4 cylinder.
In this position, set
the clearance on No. I inlet valve to .025 in. (.64mm)
Turn engine in the normal direction of rotation
until the inlet push rad of No. 1 cylinder just
begins to tighten. This is the point at which the
inlet valve begins 10 open.
Check througb the inspection hole in tbe flywbeel
bousing that tbe flywbeel T .D.C. mark is centra!
witbin tbe inspection hole. Ifthe T.D.C. mark on
the flywhee! is witbin plus or minus 3° of T.D.C.
position, then the valve timing is correct.
If thc fucl pump bas been removed, or a replace-
ment pump is to bc fitted it will be necessary to
time thc fucl pump in conjunction with thc engine.
Having checked the valve timing, thc valve
clearances should be re-set to .010 in. (.25 mm)
with engine warm. When checking and adjusting
valve clearances the engine should be tumed to
bring the respective pistons to T.D.C. on com-
Proceed as follows :-
Remove atomisers.
Remove valve cover.
Turn enginc to bring Nos. 1 and 1 pistons to
tbc top, No. 1 piston being on thc compression
stroke, thc rockers of No. 4 cylinder being just
(b) Injection Timing.
To check the fuel pump timing proceed as
follows ;-
Check that Nos. 1 and 4 pistons ace at T .D.C.
by cxamining thc flywhccl.
R.emove atomisers.
Remove valve cover.
Turn the fuel pump gear until the scribed lino
marked .. S .. on the fuel pump adaptor is in lino
with the scribed lino on the pointer of the fuel
Remove tbe inspection plate 011 the side of the
timing case.
Turn the engine in the normal direction of
rotation and bring Nos. 1 and 4 pistons to the top,
No. 1 pistcn being on the compression strok~.
the rockers of No. 4 cylinder being just rocking.
Providing tbe engine is still set as mentioned
above, the fuel pump maf then be placed in
position and tbe securing setscrews tightened.

