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Perkins L4 Workshop Manual page 50


Page Q2
hand to ensure that ther\: is no undue re.
.istance to rotation.
8. Press on the pulley making certain that no
rearward axial movemem of the shaft is
9. The impelle( should now be pressed on to the
shaft. With the impeller fitted. care should
be taken to ensure that a clearance of .015-
.025 in. (.38 to .64 mm) is maimained between
the inner edge of the impeller vanes and the
water pump body. As a guide to obtaining a
correct clearance in this respect, the impeller
should be so positioned as to allow a straight
edge to simultaneously touch the back face of
the pump body and the two raised extractor
hole races in the teat of the impeller.
10. Refit plain washer and slotted nut and secure
with a new split pin.
di stance piece and then press on front bearing.
Ensure that each hearing end cover faces
outwards towards the ends of the shaft.
2. The front seal retaining plate should then he
placed in position against the back face of
the rear hearing. This retaining plate is
. dished' and when positioned, the centre
of the plate must not be in contact with the
rear bearing.
3. Fit the feit seal and seal housing, so that these
bear on the retaining plate.
4. Prcss the water pump thrower on to the shaft
so that the thrower Range faces towards the
rear bearing.
S. The whole of the foregoing assembly should
then be pressed into the water pump body
from the front end, and the circlip securely
positioned in the recess forward of the front
bearing. Before pressing the assembly into
the pump body, however, the bearings and
the space between the two bearings should be
half filled with a high melting point grease.
6. Fit the rear seal into the pump body ensuring
that the carbon face is positioned towards the
rear ofthe pump body. When fitted, the seal
must rest squarelyon its scat and not be
canted in any way.
7. At this stage the shaft should be turned by
Modified Water Pump
L4 engines subsequent to No. 6036233, arc fittcd
with a modificd water pump.
This latcst assembly (Fig. Q.2) incorporates
largcr impcller shaft bcarings than those prcviously
utiliscd, and, accordingJy, thc interior dimensions
of tbc body have been amcnded.
In addition the dimensioning of the latcst water
1. Body
2. Impe11cr
3. Shaft
4. Rcar Scal
5. Bcarings
6. Sclf Locking Nut
;. 7. Pulley
8: Circlip
k 9. Distancc Piccc
'10. Front ScaI Rctaining Platc
-11. Fro t cal Housing
12. Front Scal
Q.l. Modified
Water Pump in Section

