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Perkins L4 Workshop Manual page 36


Page KI
In order to facilitate the fitting of the liners
when the two rings have been placed in position
on the liner, smear them with soft soap or soapy
Place liner in position and press home by hand
ensuring that the rubber sealing rings remain in
their respective grooves.
Tbe liners fitted to Perkins L4 engines are
centrifugal cast iron wet liners. Tbey are fianged
at tbe top and rubber type sealing rings are fitted
at the bottom. sec Fig. K.l.
Under normal circumstances tbe liner would
only need to be renewed during a major overbaul,
but shl)uld it be necessary to remove tbe liner for
any other reason this caD be carried out with-
out removal of the crankshaft.
If at any time the cylinder liners are removed.
and th~ same liners are to be refitted. then before
removing the liners from the cylinder block.
ensure they are suitably marked so that they may
be refitted to their original parent bare and in tbc
same position in that bare. that is. thrust side of
the liner to the thrust side of the cylinder block.
To Remove Liners.
Remove cylinder head (See Section H).
Remove Sump (See Section P).
Remove oil pump (See Section P).
Disconnect connecting rods and remove pistons
(See Section J).
Remove liner using a suitab!e liner removing
When the rubber sealing rings have cleared the
bottom landing, the liner can be removed by hand.
To Fit New Liners.
When fitting ncw liners, it is essential that ncw
pistons and rings are also fitted. On no account
should old pistons he fitted to new Iiners. For
fitting of new pistons see Section J
Over a period of service, corrosion may have
taken place at the inner ends of the Iandings.
This corrosion and any burrs which may he present
should be removed with a scraper or emery cloth.
Fit the rubber sealing rings in the grooves
provided in tbe Iower diameter of the liner. (See
Fig. K.I). Care should be taken not to stretch
these rillgS as they are not elastic and if stretched
lViII not return to their farmer size.
The liners are a push fit and no force is required
but should a liner require more pressure than caD
be applied by the fingers, place a suitable piece
of wood across the top Bange and press home.
Af ter fitting the liners the cylinder block should
be water tested to a pressure of 20
25 Ibs. per
sq. in. (1.4 - 1.76
Re-assemble engine as required and to instruc.
tions given for the various components.

