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Perkins L4 Workshop Manual page 52


Page Rl
Incorrect adjustment of the fan and dynamo
belt can result in the fraying of the belt and even-
tual failure. To ensure the belt is correctly
adjusted it should be checked every 50 hours.
Tight adjustment will tend to overload the bearings
in the dynamo and water pump which consequently
may result in damage to these components. If
the adjustment is too slack belt slip wi./l occur.
the radiator. The output of the dynamo would
also he reduccd.
Method of Checking Correct AdjustmeDL
Press the fan belt with the thumb at the centre
poiDt betwecn the water pump and the cranksbaft
pulley in a sideways direction (Sec Fig. R.l).
Check the amount of movement of tbe fan belt
which should he tin.
(19.05 mm) if correctly
Metbod of Adjustment.
Unscrew the dynamo adjusting lever setscrew,
the setscrew securing adjusting lever to timing
case and dynamo support bracket bolts.
dynamo caD then be moved inwards towards the
engine to slacken the belt and in an outwards
direction to ûghten it. When the belt is tensioned
correctly, tighten dynamo adjusting lever setscrew,
the setscrew securing adjusting lever to timing case,
and support bracket balts.
In the event of a new belt being fitted it is ad-
visa bie to check the adjustment again af ter a few
hours running to ensure no initial stretching has
occurred. Should this have developed re-:\ dj ust
a~ already described.
Dynamo Bracket LO(.ating Screw.
This locating screw is adjustable when in position
in the rear arm of the dynamo support bracket,
and should always be tight against tbe rear dynamo
lug before tbe support bracket nuts and bolts are
Fig. Rl
This couJd resuJt in overheating of the engine due
to the reduced efficiency of the water pump and
the inability of the fan to draw cool air through

