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Perkins L4 Workshop Manual page 28


Page G4
Wash strainer in clean paraffin or fuel oil and
Sump Strainer.
The sump strainer is a wire gauze strainer which
fits over the suction pipe to the lubricating oil
It should be cleaned in accordance with periodi-
cal attentions (Section F).
For instructions regarding removal and cleaning
of sump strainer see Section P.
Maln (Full Flow) Filter.
The element of this filter should be removed
and thoroughly washed in paraffin. The time
period for cleaning and renewing the element is
given in "Periodical Attentions" Section F.
It is a good plan to have a spare element and to
put this element in the filter and the filter back into
service again whiJst the other element is being
cleaned. This procedure saves time.
Fig. G8.
that it is always clean in use, is hardly second to
the importance of cleanliness in respect of fuel oil.
It is imperative, therefore, that lubricating oil
fi1ters are not negiected. Moreover, if the periodi-
cal attentions recommended are carried out and
thc correct grade of clean oil used, a very long lire
can he obtained from the Perkins engine.
To ensurc clcanliness, three filters are provided.
1. Oil Filler Strainer.
2. Sump Strainer.
3. Main (fuU flow) Filter.
Oil Filler Strainer.
The purpose of this strainer is to prevent large
objects entering the sump when the engine is bejag
filled with lubricating oU. It should be cleaned
in accordance with periodical attentions. (See
Section F).
To Remove and Clean Dil Filler Strainer.
Tbe oi) filler strainer is situated at the bottom
of the Dil filler tube, between the Dil fiJler and thc
cylinder block.
To remove for cleaning, unscrew the bolt at
thc base of the Dil filler, remove oil filler and
Fig. 09.

