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Perkins L4 Workshop Manual page 46


Page P3
Lubricalion Sysiem-continued
Re-assemble bottom cover to pump using a ncw
bottom cover joint.
When re-assembling bottom cover to pump,
note the waming gjven on page P.4.
On engines subsequent to No. 6032453, the
lubricating oil pump relief valve may be rmloved
and cleaned without dismantling the pump from
the engine.
Af ter the sump bas been removed, break locking
wire, and unscrew the relief valve assembly from
the side of the oil pump body. Thereafter cleaning
of the valve assembly should be in accordance with
instructions detailed below.
that the mitred ends go right up into the recesses
of the timing case bottom cover and rear main
hearing cap.
Cut cork joints to required length and lightly
coat one face and the two sides with jointing com-
pound and place in position.
To facilitate assembly of the sump, screw two
guide studs into the crankcase, one on each side.
The studs will position the sump accurately and
prevent displacement of the joints.
Place the sump in position and insert the screws
Remove guide studs.
When all the setscrews ha ve been inserted
tighten evenly all round. Do not overtighten
Replace sump strainer and cover plate as
previously described.
To Remove and Refit OU Pump.
Remove su mp and sump strainer (see previous
Disconnect Dil pump delivery pipe from the
crankcase union.
Remove setscrew from centre main hearing cap
thus releasing the Dil suction pipe.
Unscrew the lubricating oil pump locating set-
screw. This screw is situated outside the cylinder
block (See Fig. Pol).
The oil pump may ncw be removed (See Fig. Pol).
To refit, reverse the above order of operations.
To DismantIe the Oil Pump.
Remove pump from engine (See above).
Remove locking wire from suction and delivery
pipe banjo balts and remove pipes. In the case
of engines subsequent to No. 6032453, it will be
necessary to remove the relief valve assembly in
order to release the delivery or outlet pipe.
Remove the setscrews securing the bottom cover
and gear housing.
Tbe idler gear can now be removed.
Press off spiral driving gear.
Tbe drive shaft and gear can now be removed.
To remove gear from shaft use suitable press.
To remove the idler gear shaft, withdraw the
split pin fust ; the shaft caD then be pressed out.
Unless areplacement shaft is to be fitted it is not
necessary to remove this shaft and pin.
Tbe cleaning of the pressure relief valve bas
been dealt with under a previous heading.
All the parts of the pump should be cleaned
and inspected for wear. The fit of the shaft in
the pump body should be carefully checked. The
shaft should work easily without lateral movement
in the bushes fitted in the body. If the bushes are
wom they should be replaced.
If tbc oil pump gears show signs of wear they
shouid be renewed.
To Remove and Clean OU Pressure Relief Valve.
With engines prior to No. 6032453. the oil
pressure relief valve forms part of the oil pump
bottom cover. The breaking pressure is set and
adjusted at the factory and unless special test
equipment is available no attempt should be made
to dismantie the oil pressure relief valve.
To obtain access to the relief valve foT cleanin.R
proceed as follows :-
Remove sump and sump strainer.
Remove lubricating oil pump from engine.
Remove the setscrews securing the bottom cover
and remove bottom cover.
Wash the valve in clean fuel oil and blow the
valve dry with compressed air.
Sec that the balI and bali seat are perfectly clean
and bedding correctly.
To Re-assemble the Dil Pump.
Press drive shaft gear on to shaft The end of
the shaft should be flush with the bottom face of the
Assembie gear and shaft to pump body.

