Performing A Site Survey With The Pcmcia Adapter - Black Box LW0050A Manual

Pro 11 series
Table of Contents


CHAPTER 4: PCMCIA Adapter Installation, Setup, and Management
• Menu Bar — The menu bar at the top of the window contains four menus:
Edit, View, Report, and Help. These menus contain sub-menus which
correspond in most cases to the buttons at the side of the window.
Edit Menu – Three sub-menus: Record, Alias, and Exit.
View Menu – Has two sub-menus: Survey Log and Iconize.
Report Menu – Two sub-menus: Preview and Print (do not have
corresponding buttons on side of window).
Preview – Enables you to preview a Site Survey report before proceeding
Print – Opens a Site Survey report showing the information in the Survey
Log, including neighboring Access Points.
You can print the file by clicking the Printer button, or save the file by
clicking on the Diskette button. You can save the file as text, or as a QRP
file viewable using this application.
Help Menu – Contains two sub-menus: About and Getting Started (do not
have corresponding buttons on side of window). About contains standard
Windows format information about the application. Getting Started
provides basic information to enable you to begin working.
4.6.3 P
You can run a Site Survey to compare reception at various locations. This is
extremely useful when first setting up the wireless LAN, since you can easily
determine where reception is good or bad, and where many Access Points overlap.
To run a Site Survey:
1. Open the Site Survey utility.
2. Press Survey Log to expand the bottom of the Site Survey window.
3. Bring the station to a new location.
4. Press Record. Type in the name of the location and a remark, and press OK.
The signal details of the current location appear in the Survey Log at the
bottom of the window.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents