Centerpopup; Maxview; Panend; Panhome - Matrox Corona Installation And Hardware Reference

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Desktop features
Note that in a multiple-head configuration, repeatedly pressing
the CenterWINDOW hot key will cause the currently active
window to be centered on one screen, then on the next, then on
the other, etc.


CenterPOPUP ensures that every pop-up error message or
warning dialog box appears centered on the screen. This is very
useful when you are using a virtual or zoomed desktop.
This feature works only on pop-up windows, which means that
other types of windows (such as application windows, floating
toolbars, etc.) are not affected. CenterPOPUP differs from
CenterWINDOW in one essential way: CenterPOPUP moves
the pop-up window into the desktop area that is displayed on
the screen, whereas CenterWINDOW pans and scrolls the
desktop to center the active application window on the screen.


MaxVIEW limits the size of the window so that it does not
extend outside your immediate on-screen work area (you can
still scroll to any off-screen areas on your desktop). When
enabled, MaxVIEW applies to any Windows application that is
Note that some programs, such as MS Word for Windows, might
extend vertically beyond the visible window, even when
MaxVIEW is enabled.


PanEND moves your display to the bottom of a vertical virtual
desktop or to the right of a horizontal virtual desktop. This
feature is for a virtual desktop only.


PanHOME moves your display to the top of a vertical virtual
desktop or to the left of a horizontal virtual desktop. This
feature is for a virtual desktop only.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents