Id (Modem Vid) Command; Ky (Aes Encryption Key) Command - Digi XTend User Manual

Rf module
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ID (Modem VID) Command

<Networking and Security> The ID command is used to set/read the VID (Vendor Identification Number) of the RF
module. RF modules must have matching VIDs in order to communicate.
AT Command: ATID
Binary Command: 0x27 (39 decimal)
Parameter Range:
0x11 - 0x7FFF (user-settable)
0 - 0x10 and 0x8000 - 0xFFFF (factory-set)
Default Parameter Value: 0x3332 (13106d)
Number of bytes returned: 2

KY (AES Encryption Key) Command

<Networking and Security> The KY command is used to set the 256-bit AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) key for
encrypting/decrypting data. Once set, the key cannot be read out of the module by any means. The entire payload of
the packet is encrypted using the key and the CRC is computed across the ciphertext. When encryption is enabled,
each packet carries an additional 16 bytes to convey the random CBC Initialization Vector (IV) to the receiver(s). The
KY value may be "0" or any 256-bit value (= 64 hex digits = 32 bytes). Any other value, including entering ATKY by itself
with no parameters, causes an error.
A module with the wrong key (or no key) will receive encrypted data, but the data driven out the serial port will be
meaningless. Likewise, a module with a key will receive unencrypted data sent from a module without a key, but the
output will be meaningless. Because CBC mode is utilized, repetitive data appears differently in different
transmissions due to the randomly-generated IV.
For international (non-U.S.) variants of XTend modules, the encryption key is 128-bit AES. The command
operates the same except the key length is 16 bytes rather than 32 bytes. This pertains to part numbers
ending with -NA or -128 (the -NA and -128 suffix mean the same thing), no matter what firmware version is
loaded. This also pertains to the Australia version of firmware 22xx, no matter what part number XTend it is
loaded onto.
AT Command: ATKY
Binary Command: 0x3C (60 decimal)
Parameter Range: 0 - (any other 64-digit hex valid key)
Default Parameter Value: 0 (disabled)
Number of bytes returned: 2
Number Base: Always Hexadecimal
XTend RF Module User Guide
Command descriptions


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