Following A Maintenance Schedule; Performing Maintenance - SAC 3600 Series Operator's Manual

Table of Contents


It is the Owner/Operator's responsibility to operate, lubricate, maintain, and store the machine in accordance with all instruc-
tions and safety procedures. While machine operating conditions will vary, an effective maintenance schedule can be followed
when considering the following points.
Remember, the guidelines established in this manual are general. All maintenance and service work is not limited to these
guidelines. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Sioux Automation Dealer or Distributor. Points to
Consider in Developing an Effective Maintenance Schedule:
• Will the machine be operating at full capacity (i.e. mixing chamber full, high-density ration)? For example, a heavy
load would yield a ration density equal to or greater than 30 lbs/ft
• How long will the machine be operated each day? Depending on the operation, some customers require as little as
2 hours a day, while others require in excess of 16 hours a day.
• Will the machine be transported long distances? If the answer is yes, this would require more attention to components
such as wheels and hubs.
• Will the machine be transported over rough terrain? Will the same terrain have conditions such as mud, sand, water, etc.?
• Will the machine be exposed to extreme temperatures (ambient air temperature)? This can be interpreted as hot or
cold, or sudden changes from hot to cold or vice versa. This may affect components such as the machine lubricants,
among others.
• Will there be dirty and dusty conditions present? While the machine is designed for these parameters, special attention
to items such as breathers is required.
• Will there be any foreign matter entering the mixing chamber? Depending on the operation, it may be difficult to
eliminate foreign matter such as rocks, stones, steel, wood, etc. However, these items can place added wear on com-
ponents such as the mixing chamber walls, auger assembly, and auger knives.


Make sure there is plenty of ventilation. Never operate engine in a closed building. Exhaust fumes may cause asphyxiation.
Before working on this machine, stop the vehicle, set brakes, shut off engine and remove ignition key.
Always use safety support and block wheels. Never use a jack to support machine.
Always use proper tools or equipment for job at hand.
Use extreme caution when making adjustments.
Never use your hands to locate a hydraulic leak on attachments. Use a small piece of cardboard or wood. Hydraulic fluid
escaping under pressure can penetrate skin.
Openings in skin and minor cuts are susceptible to infection from hydraulic fluid. Without immediate medical treatment,
serious infection and reactions can occur.
When disconnecting hydraulic lines, shut off hydraulic supply and relieve all hydraulic pressure.
Replace all shields and guards after servicing and before moving.
After servicing, be sure all tools, parts and service equipment are removed.
Do not allow grease or oil to build up on any steps or platform.
When replacing bolts, refer to owners manual.
Refer to bolt torque chart for head identification marking.
Where replacement parts are necessary for periodic maintenance and servicing, genuine factory replacement parts must
be used to restore your equipment to original specifications. Manufacturer will not claim responsibility for use of unap-
proved parts or accessories and other damages as a result of their use.
If equipment has been altered in any way from original design, manufacturer does not accept any liability for injury or
A fire extinguisher and first aid kit should be kept readily accessible while performing maintenance on this equipment.
READ complete manual CAREFULLY
Page # 17
BEFORE attempting operation.


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