Owon XDS3204E User Manual page 35

Digital storage oscilloscopes
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the direct current bias. The operation steps are shown as below:
(1) Push the CH1 button to show the CH1 SETUP menu.
(2) Select Coupling in the bottom menu.
(3) Select DC in the right menu. Both DC and AC components of the signal are passed.
(4) Select AC in the right menu. The direct current component of the signal is blocked.
2. To adjust the probe attenuation
For correct measurements, the attenuation coefficient settings in the operating menu of the
Channel should always match what is on the probe (see "How to Set the Probe Attenuation
Coefficient" on P12). If the attenuation coefficient of the probe is 1:1, the menu setting of
the input channel should be set to X1.
Take the Channel 1 as an example, the attenuation coefficient of the probe is 10:1, the
operation steps are shown as follows:
(1) Push the CH1 button to show the CH1 SETUP menu.
(2) Select Probe in the bottom menu. Select Attenu in the right menu, turn the M knob to
set it as 10×.
3. To measure current by probing the voltage drop across a resistor
Take the Channel 1 as an example, if you are measuring current by probing the voltage
drop across a 1Ω resistor, the operation steps are shown as follows:
(1) Push the CH1 button to show CH1 SETUP menu.
(2) Select Probe in the bottom menu. In the right menu, set MeasCurr as YES, the A/V
radio menu will appear below. Select it; turn the M knob to set the Amps/Volts ratio.
Amps/Volts ratio = 1/Resistor value. Here the A/V radio should be set to 1.
4. To invert a waveform
Waveform inverted: the displayed signal is turned 180 degrees against the phase of the
earth potential.
Taking the Channel 1 for example, the operation steps are shown as follows:
(1) Push the CH1 button to show the CH1 SETUP menu.
(2) Select Inverted in the bottom menu, switch to ON. the waveform is inverted. Push
again to switch to OFF, the waveform goes back to its original one.
5. To set bandwidth limit
When high frequency components of a waveform are not important to its analysis, the
bandwidth limit control can be used to reject frequencies above 20 MHz.
Taking the Channel 1 for example, the operation steps are shown as below:
(1) Push the CH1 button to show CH1 SETUP menu.
(2) Select Limit in the bottom menu.
(3) Select Full band in the right menu. The high frequency of the signal will be allowed
to pass.
4.Advanced User Guidebook


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