Table of Contents


The oscillator bank is organized into three rows, each row corresponding to one oscillator. From top
to bottom you can find oscillator 1, 2 and 3. Below is a listing of the available parameters.
[Range]: The three selection boxes in the column below [range] at the far left set the
range of each oscillator. It is specified in feet and runs from '32 (lowest possible range) to
'2 (highest possible range). Oscillator 3 also offers a [Lo] position; as set, oscillator 3 can
be used as an LFO.
[Sync]: This top-centered switch activates or deactivates the synchronization of oscillator
2 to oscillator 1 (only available on oscillator 1).
[Fine]: These knobs control the fine tuning of the corresponding oscillator (only available
on oscillator 2 and 3).
[Coarse]: These knobs control the coarse tuning of the corresponding oscillator (only
available on oscillator 2 and 3).
[Waveform] The three selection boxes in the column below [waveform] at the far right
set the waveform of each oscillator. The following waveforms are available: TRI
(triangle), TRI SAW (asymmetric triangle), SAW (sawtooth), SQUARE, WIDE RECT (wide
rectangle), NAR RECT (narrow rectangle).
[Osc3 Control]: This switch at the bottom activates or deactivates the keyboard follow
for oscillator 3.
[Osc Modulation]: This switch at the bottom activates or deactivates the frequency
modulation of oscillator 1 and 2 by oscillator 3. Mixer

The mixer sets the balance between all the sound sources of the Minimoog template before the
signal is sent to the filter.
The oscillator bank


Table of Contents

Table of Contents