Programming With Simpl Windows; Programming Modes - Crestron CNX-DVP4 Operation Manual

Crestron cnx-dvp4 video-processor: operations guide
Table of Contents


Crestron CNX-DVP4
Operations Guide – DOC. 8170A
Digital, analog and serial join numbers are a common thread between VT Pro-e and
SIMPL Windows. These numbers define how the objects on a touchpanel page of a
VT Pro-e project interface to the outside world, specifically the Cresnet system as
defined in the SIMPL Windows program. There are digital join numbers that carry
out some predetermined function (a logical high or low); analog join numbers for
displaying incremental values, sliders, gauges and bar graphs; and serial join
numbers that allow for the display of variable text and transmission/reception of
serial commands from other manufacturers. Unjoined objects are not interfaced with
the system and thus cannot initiate any functions.

Programming with SIMPL Windows

NOTE: The following assumes that the reader has knowledge of SIMPL Windows.
If not, refer to the extensive help information provided with the software.
SIMPL Windows is Crestron's software for programming Crestron control systems.
It provides a well-designed graphical environment with a number of workspaces
(i.e., windows) in which a programmer can select, configure, program, test, and
monitor a Crestron control system. SIMPL Windows offers drag and drop
functionality in a familiar Windows
This section explains how to create a SIMPL Windows program that includes a
CNX-DVP4 (in master or slave mode).
Configuration Manager is where programmers "build" a Crestron control system by
selecting hardware from the Device Library.

Programming Modes

The CNX-DVP4 may be utilized two ways to perform different functions: Local
Processing Mode (Master) or Remote Processing Mode (Cresnet or Ethernet Slave).
As shown in the following graphic, the CNX-DVP4 has been added to SIMPL
Windows as a master or slave device.
Digital Video Processor
Digital Video Processor: CNX- DVP4 • 37


Table of Contents

Table of Contents