Computer Rs-232 Port Menu - Crestron CNX-DVP4 Operation Manual

Crestron cnx-dvp4 video-processor: operations guide
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Digital Video Processor
26 • Digital Video Processor: CNX-DVP4
Interface Menu
Two side-by-side buttons beneath the hexadecimal display, DOWN and UP,
decrease and increase the ID by one, respectively.
After interface parameters have been set, select the Save and Return button, located
at the bottom right corner of the INTERFACE MENU.

Computer RS-232 Port Menu

RS-232 parameters for the CNX-DVP4 must be set for communicating with
Viewport via an RS-232 port. Options for baud rate, data bits, parity, stop bits, and
handshaking are available from COMPUTER RS-232 PORT MENU. Text within the
selected button changes color from black to red.
RS-232 settings for the CNX-DVP4 (defaults):
• Baud Rate: 115200 (use with new .cuz files, version 3.0.17 and higher)
57600 (use with older .cuz files)
• Data Bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop Bits: 1
Crestron CNX-DVP4
Operations Guide – DOC. 8170A


Table of Contents

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