Unit Of Electronic Joysticks "Bocoro - Belarus 3522.5 Operator's Manual

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The "floating" mode over section No 1 is activated by moving the handle of the joy-
stick 1 forward against the stop and holding it in this position for more than two sec. The
"floating" mode over section No 2 is activated by moving the handle of the joystick 1 to the
right against the stop and holding it in this position for more than two sec. The "floating"
mode over section No 3 is activated by moving the handle of the joystick 2 forward against
the stop and holding it in this position for more than two sec. The "floating" mode over sec-
tion No 4 is activated by moving the handle of the joystick 2 to the right against the stop
and holding it in this position for more than two sec. The "floating" mode activation is an-
nounced by a three-time flashing of annunciators on the board 3 along the axis of the cor-
responding section. This pair of annunciators will stay on until the "floating" mode of the
hydraulic distributor section is exited.
The set-up "floating" mode is remembered by the joystick and remains on after mov-
ing the joystick handle to neutral position. To exit the "floating" mode it is required to move
the corresponding joystick handle from the neutral position along the control axis of the
hydraulic distributor section.
To set fixed flow over a section of the hydraulic distributor it is required to shift the
handle of the corresponding joystick into the position of the flow required and holding it in
this position press the button 1 (or 5) on the joystick handle. The fixed flow activation is
announced by a three-time flashing of the corresponding annunciator in the direction of the
flow set-up. This annunciator will stay on until the fixed flow mode for the hydraulic dis-
tributor section is exited.
After the button has been released and the joystick handle has been shifted into the
neutral position the joystick remembers the set-up flow. To exit this mode it is necessary to
move the joystick handle to the side of the set-up control of the corresponding hydraulic
distributor section with the fixed flow and press the button 1 (or 5). To set new fixed flow
return the joystick handle to the neutral position and then set the flow value as described
above. Unit of electronic joysticks "BOCORO"

The unit of electronic joysticks "BOCORO" is presented in figure 2.16.4.
1, 2 – button the turn on the "floating" mode; 3 – joystick to control sections No 3
and No 4 of the hydraulic distributor EHS; 4 – joystick to control sections No 1 and No 2 of
the hydraulic distributor EHS; 5 – instruction shield of diagram of the hydraulic distributor
EHS section control.
Figure 2.16.4 – Unit of electronic joystick "BOCORO"
3522.5-0000010 РЭ


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