Side Glass Opening; Rear Screen Opening; Cab Hatch Opening - Belarus 3522.5 Operator's Manual

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2.20.2 Side glass opening

To open the side glass 1 (figure 2.20.2), right and left, rotate the handle 2 up and
push it. Then fix the glass in opened condition, for this it is necessary to push the handle 2
To close the side glass 1 press the handle 2 up, then pull the handle 2, then rotate it
down until the side glass is fixed in a closed position.
а) side glass closed

2.20.3 Rear screen opening

To open the rear screen rotate a handle 1 (figure 2.20.3) to the right (along tractor
movement) and holding a handgrip 2 push the rear screen 3 until the screen is fixed in an
opened position.
To close the rear screen pull the handgrip 2 until the screen 3 is fixed in a closed

2.20.4 Cab hatch opening

Installation of two hatch variants for roof upper part is possible on tractors "BELA-
- hatch with a detent;
- hatch with a handle.
To open the hatch with the detent, pull the board 2 (figure 2.20.4) down, move the
detent 3 forward along tractor movement, push the board 2 up until the hatch 1 is fixed in
an opened position.
1 – side glass; 2 – handle.
Figure 2.20.2 – Side glass opening
1 – handle; 2 – handgrip; 3 – rear screen.
Figure 2.20.3 – Rear screen opening
b) side glass opened
3522.5-0000010 РЭ


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