Goldacres Prairie Pro Operator's Manual page 30

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on ole ali ration
2. With the power switch "on" and all other switches
"Off "
3. Depress the [DISTANCE] key.
4. Depress the [ENTER] key to display the "E" enter
5. Key in a "0" value.
6. Then depress the [ENTER] key again to lock it in.
7. Drive the 100 metres, being careful not to
accelerate or decelerate too suddenly.
8. Record the distance that the console displays once
the 100 metres has been travelled.
9. The distance should read 100. If it reads between
99 or 101 this calibration value will be correct. If
the distance reads any other valve perform the
following procedure.
NOTE: Redo the distance check again to confirm
the new [SPEED CAL] value is correct.
For consoles connected to a Raven GPS:
se a Speed Cal figure of
figure for all Raven PS units .
To enter this value:
1. Depress the [ENTER] key to display the "E" enter
2. Key in the appropriate [SPEED CAL] number.
3. Depress [ENTER] again to lock it in.
4. The console will now prompt of a "BOOM CAL
1" value to be entered.
This value can be checked once initial console
programming is complete by using the same
procedure for recalibrating a [SPEED CAL] value for
a radar speed sensor above.
The console needs to know the width of each
section so it can calculate;
1. The total flow rate re uired.
2. The area applied.
As boom sections are turned on or off the console
24 - Chapter 6 - Calibration
a en
5 standard speed cal
increases or decreases the theoretical width of the
boom accordingly in order to calculate the correct
flow rate total L min to the boom and the total
area sprayed.
To measure the width for each boom section, count
the number of nozzles in each section and multiply
by the nozzle spacing. i.e. 12 nozzles in one section
at 50cm (½ metre) spacings = 12 x 0.5m = 6m
All Boom Sections must be entered in Centimetres
(for example 6m = 600cm) so the correct Boom
Cal in this example would be 600.
To enter a
CAL figure for boom 1:
1. Ensure boom 1 is displayed.
2. Depress the [ENTER] key to display the "E" enter
3. Key in the boom width in centimetres for boom 1.
4. Depress the [ENTER] key to lock it in.
NOTE: At this point the console does not proceed
automatically to boom 2.
5. To proceed to Boom 2 depress the [UP] key
6. epress
NT R and key in the calibration figure
for boom 2.
7. Depress the [ENTER] key again to lock it in.
Depress the key and continue entering the [BOOM
CAL]'s in the remaining boom sections. If a boom
section is not utilised ensure "0" is entered in that
section or the console will fail to function correctly.
If the sprayer is fitted with the 3TS option see the
separate section on Raven SCS 4400 3TS dual boom
operation and programming.
NOTE: Each time the console power switch is
turned "on" the products automatically default to
the "OFF" mode. Before commencing spraying the
product must be changed to the "AUTO" mode.
To change to the "AUTO" mode:
1. Momentarily depress the [PRODUCT ON/OFF]
key to turn the product "ON". At this point the
console should read "AUTO NOBM" (auto no
2. If it reads "MAN NOBM" (manual no boom)
Prairie Pro Operator's Manual MY19 - REV 2
Continued over page


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Table of Contents