Direct Chemical Injection - Goldacres Prairie Pro Operator's Manual

Table of Contents


ire t
e i al an
The chemical tanks are filled in one of two ways
depending CI options fitted. or the bulk 6
DCI option, a chemical transfer pump is used. For
the dual 165 L DCI tank option, a venturi based
chemical probe transfer system is used. By utilising
the main spray pump to create water pressure in a
venturi, vacuum is applied to the chemical tank. This
vacuum in turn draws the chemical out of an enviro
drum or container and into the chemical tank on the
injection module.
CAUTION: If the chemical injection tank is
overfilled, chemical will be drawn into the main tank.
Please ensure that when the chemical injection tank
is almost full that the suction is turned off.
NOTE: Chemical to be inducted into the injection
module(s) is carried out on the right hand side of
the sprayer. However, before this can be done some
set up work is required on the left hand side. All
steps shown below refer to tank number 1 - Repeat
these steps for tank number 2.
Step 1. The main spray tank must contain a minimum
of 500 L of water. This will ensure that the spray
pump has sufficient water to operate the venturi.
Step 2. Set the spray pump running between 400
& 500 rpm. On the left hand side of the sprayer
turn the 'Chem probe' valve ON. This will start the
venturi in the top of the tank.
Step 3. Back on the right hand side of the sprayer.
Ensure that the chemical tank vent valve is OFF. Now
set the three way ball valve to "Vacuum to tank 1".
Step 4. Connect the probe / enviro drum coupling
hose to the 1 cam lock fitting as shown in the CI
Quickstart guide. Connect to the container with the
chemical to be transferred.
Step 5. OPEN the chemical tank vent valve. This
must be done to allow the injection pump to draw
fluid. OP N the ball valve and the chemical should
now be drawn into the tank on the sprayer. Once
the desired level has been reached turn the ball
valve OFF.
Step 6. Turn chemical probe tap OFF (on LHS) and
switch spray pump OFF.
- Chapter 12 - Optional Accessories
e i al n e tion
Step 1. Connect the chemical probe/enviro drum
coupling hose to the 1 cam lock fitting on the pod.
Connect the other end to the chemical container to
be transferred from.
Step 2. Turn on the chemical transfer pump and
transfer the desired amount of chemical.
Priming Pump
Before spraying commences it is important to prime
the pump. This will eliminate any air in the system.
It can also aid with agitation, however the pump is
designed for very low volumes and is not designed
as an agitation pump.
Step 1. Set the 4 way rotary valve to 'Recirculate'.
Step 2. Set the pump suction to 'Suction from
chemical tank'.
Step 3. Refer to the console programming section
relating to self testing. Run the pump for several
minutes to remove any air from the lines. The system
should now be ready to use.
pra in
Now that the chemical tank is full and the pump is
primed the sprayer is now ready to use.
Step 1. Turn the 4 way rotary valve to 'Boom'.
Step 2. Open the 'Chemical tank vent' valve.
Step 3. Set the application rate as per the
programming section.
You now have confidence that the CI system will
be delivering precise amounts of chemical to the
in in
It is very important that the system is rinsed out
correctly after use. Failure to do so may result in
damage to the direct chemical injection pump or
chemical residue being left in the tank or hoses.
There are two methods of rinsing. 1 – Pumping
circuit rinse. This would be done if the same
chemical is to be used the next day for example. 2
– Complete system rinse. This would be done if the
sprayer is not going to be used for a long period or
if a chemical change was going to be made.
Continued over page
Prairie Pro Operator's Manual MY19 - REV 2


Table of Contents

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