Setpoint Select; Setpoint Select Enable; Solid State Relay (Ssr); Tare - WEST P8700 User Manual

1/4, 1/8 and 1/16 din plus series controllers & indicators
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-DIN &

Setpoint Select

This Operator Mode parameter is available if the remote setpoint feature is in use and
setpoint select is enabled, Setpoint Select defines whether the local or the remote setpoint
will be the Active Setpoint. It can be set to D<!< , +:- , or 9:- . If a digital input has been
configured for local/remote setpoint selection, the default setting is D<!< . This means the
status of the digital input will determine which setpoint is active. Otherwise the user can only
choose +:- , or 9:- . The active setpoint is indicated by prefixing its legend with the " _ "
character. E.g. the local setpoint legend is _ B +:- , when it is active and +:- when it is inactive.
If a digital input has been configured to select local/remote SP, setting Setpoint Select to
+:- , or 9:- will override the digital input and the active SP indication changes to * .
Display code = :-: .
Also refer to Active Setpoint, Remote Setpoint, Setpoint and Setpoint Select Enable.

Setpoint Select Enable

If the remote setpoint feature is in use, this determines whether operator selection of
setpoints is enabled or disabled. If enabled, the Setpoint Select parameter is available in
operator mode. If Setpoint Select is disabled again, the active setpoint will remain at its
current status.
Display code = ::.% , default setting = D<:5 (disabled).
Also refer to Remote Setpoint and Setpoint.

Solid State Relay (SSR)

An external device manufactured using two silicone controlled rectifiers, which can be used
to replace mechanical relays in most AC power applications. As a solid state device, an SSR
does not suffer from contact degradation when switching electrical current. Much faster
switching cycle times are also possible, leading to superior control. The instrument's SSR
Driver output is a time proportioned 10VDC pulse which causes conduction of current to the
load when the pulse is on.
Also refer to Cycle Time, Time Proportioning Control, and Triac.


When an Indicator's Tare function has been enabled, the operator can set the current
Process Variable input value to be displayed as zero. This function may be used to easily
eliminate any offset on the input signal, e.g. when a transducer output is not giving a true
zero value. It may also be used in applications displaying the weight of a product, to remove
the weight of a container before starting. When Tare is activated, the instrument
automatically sets the PV Offset to an equal, but opposite value to the current measured
Display code = #59. , default setting = D<:5 (disabled).
Also refer to Indicator, Process Variable, and Offset.
59305, Issue 5 – March 2005
- DIN Controllers & Indicators - Product Manual
Type: Controller Parameter
Type: Controller Parameter
Type: Indicator Parameter
Type: General Definition
Page 127


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