Usb Console Configuration - Delta DVS-328 series User Manual

Dvs managed industrial rack mount ethernet switch
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D V S M a n a g e d I n d u s t r i a l R a c k m o u n t E t h e r n e t S wi t c h U s e r Ma n u a l

2.1 USB Console Configuration

A Delta switch supports configuration using the CLI interface, available on the USB port with the baud rate 9600.
You can use the terminal software to connect to a Delta switch. The inactivity timeout value on a serial port
connection can be configured between 0 and 160 minutes. (Value 0: disable the timeout.)
Open the terminal software, and select an appropriate COM port for Console Connection, 9600 for Baud
Rate, 8 for Data Bits, None for Parity, and 1 for Stop Bits, None for Flow Control.
The Windows 7 system does not support Hyper Terminal. If you need it, you can download the
terminal software to use it.
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