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To configure date & time settings:
1. Configure the following:
• Date Format: Select the date format.
• Time Format: Select the time format (12 hour or 24 hour).
• Time Zone: Select your time zone.
• Current Time: Enter the current time or click Sync PC to sync your IP camera to
your PC's clock.
2. If your area uses Daylight Savings Time (DST) check DST Enable. If you enable DST,
configure the following:
• DST Type: Select Date to select a date for the time change or select Week to select
the week and day for the time change.
• Start Time and End Time: Enter the start and end times for Daylight Savings.
3. Check Synchronize with NTP to synchronize the camera clock with an NTP time
server. A constant Internet connection is required to use NTP. If you enable NTP, con-
figure the following:
• NTP Server: Enter the NTP server address.
• Port: Enter the port for the NTP server.
• Update Period: Enter the interval the camera will use to update the time.
4. Click Save.

6.5.3 Account

The Account menu allows you to configure user accounts and user groups. The camera
can support up to 18 user accounts and up to 8 groups. User accounts must be assigned
to a group and inherit permissions from user groups, but an individual user account can be
given less permissions than the group.
The camera includes a unique admin account that cannot be deleted. The admin account
is the only one that can change permissions assigned to user accounts. Accounts given
permission to access the Account menu may change the password for other accounts. Ac-
counts not given permission to access the Account menu may not change any account
passwords, including their own. It is essential to change the password of the admin ac-
count from the default to prevent unauthorized access to your camera.
You may also check Anonymous Login to allow users to connect to the camera without
entering a user name or password. Users connecting anonymously are given limited ac-
cess to the camera: they may only view live video and the Alarm list.
To create a user account:
1. Click Add User.
2. Configure the following:
#LX400062; r. 1.0/24298/24299; en-US


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