Flight Practice; Fail-Safe Feature - Hirobo S.R.B. Quark User Manual

Single-rotor electric rc helicopter
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Sl ck operation must become second nature. Th nk of earn ng lo r de a b cycle
ior the first lime. Once you have learned how, you no ongeT have to think
about which way to move the stcks. Yoirr body just does it aulomatjcally.
Praclice us ng the sticks untilyou no onger have to think about it.
Place the heicopteron aflal iloor
The operalor shou d sland al a dlsla.ce oi
I 2 m behind the lre copler
By slandi.g beh nd, you ca. face in the same
d reclion as the helicopter. lt s easer 10
andersiand direciion of helcopler.
(The correct way to hold the transmitter)
aDo not run the helicopter continuously for more than 10 minutes
(the maximum time for one baitery). Since overhealing of the motor
may negatively eflect pertormance, and the life of lhe product may
be reduced, wait for five minutes after the battery is discharged.
Do not fly the model continuously.
Continuously llying the model will dramatically shorten the life of the motor.
Although the S.R.B uses a compact and light high-performance
motor, cont nuous operation exerts a load on the
motor and causes its ternperalure to increase.
Using the motor whi e li is hot dramat cally shortens its life.
Uslng the spare battery and fying the model on two batteries one afier the other may cause the motor
temperature to increase. After flyjng the model with one battery, a low enough time for the motoT to coo down
beiore flying the model again. Also, when the air temperature is hot, fying the model continLlousty with even one
batlery (aboui 10 minutes) may cause the motor temperature to increase. Occasionally land the modet and stop
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Pace both oj you. thumbs on the erds oi the slcks
C)Stand behind the flying unit.
Osecure the largest flight area
(Fail-sale feature)
lf the battery runs low during a
flight, or the flying unit stops
receiving a signal, then the
throttle will automatically slow
lf this occurs, please land ihe
flying unit immediately.
Place the tips of your thumbs
on the sticks.
lf you control the sticks with
the balls or the sides of your
fingers, you cannot respond
when a quick movement is
While the flying unil js in the air,
never let youf ihumb off the stick.
Be sure to charge the battery
as soon as your flight is over.

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