Unit Maintenance; Replacing The Main Blade; Adjusting The Balance Of The Main Blade; Attaching The Main Blades - Hirobo S.R.B. Quark User Manual

Single-rotor electric rc helicopter
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/lO,/'' unit Maintenance
09-1. Replacing the main blade
Here, how to change ihe maln roloT blades is exp a ned.
The main rotor blades rnost aflect the ilying periormance. Not only a broken
main blade, bul also the adheslve tape's peeing oif lhe leading edge,
scraiches, wrinkles, or a bend on the main blade can all cause lhe fy ng unil
to vibrale and/or crash. In any oi the above cases, be sure to rep ace the
damaged blade with a new one.
a Adiusting the balance ot the main blade
Depending on wheiher the man blades are colrectly balanced, the flght
quality diilers drasticaly. Adjust the balance ol the main blades using the
orovided blade balancer.
1 .
4. Applycellophane lape elctolhe lghler blade
eit and rlght blades afe baanced.
5 .
a Attaching ihe main blades
In atiachlng lhe main bLades, both tight and loose screws adversely affect th-o
flighl performance ol the unit, causing vibratons and other problems When you
attach the majn blades, lighten the drag bo ts once as much as they w ll go.
Then, turn the screwdrlver ln the oiher d reclion by one lurn to loosen the bo ts
a liit e so that the ma n blades can rnove slighily backward and forward
Tighren the bolls hod ng the ma n
blades so rhal lhey move Jreey rn
the ioMardneverse direct on
Trackinq adjustment is diiicLl f
the nain blades cannot move
09-2. Replacing the tail blade
P!l! n the direclion otlhe arrow to remove.
When atiach ng the lai blade, push lirmly unti
clicks lnlo place in the iai holsing
' P r e a s " p r e s , l l e F - r r a p . , . L p d r o + 1 5 " b l d d e
B a . d e , L l n o _ _ o p ' a c : l h e o a " o o y r \ ' e n e p a - s .
B ade ba ancer (ac.essoresl
aAdiusting the balance of the
b l a d e s
d r a m a t i c a l l y
improves the
stability ol the unit.
Olf the blades are seriously
oul of balance, change lheir
combination and try to apply
the least amount of adhesive
tape possible.
l s t h e t a i l v i b r a t i n g ( h u n t i n g ) ?
f the tailvibrares sd€ lo sde or sways
s l g h l y l r o m s i d e 1 0 s d e , t s p o s s b e
the 1ai blades are our oJ balance. To
check baance. pass the ncluded 69
mm a en Mench throLgh lhe 1ai blade
ce.lef mounl ng hoe and notice I one
sde goes up or dow.
lf the tai biade
moves. add a sma lp ece ol lape to lhe
hgh side (lighrer s de) lntiL the tai bade
does nol frove when checked aqa n. A
p r o p e r y b a l a n c e d r a i l b a d e w l l a y
horizontalas pclured be ow
The un r sways sLigfty nom sdeio sde
I on€ sde or the bLade drops ower|ran
rhe other,llre b ade s iot baan.ed.
' r l 1 h e r a l b a d e i s d f i l c ! t t o
remove, Lse a mela lat
bladed scfewdr ver or s miar
loolto help remove il

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