GMC 1982 Light Duty Truck Service Manual page 160

Gmc 1982 series 10-35 light duty truck
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Fig. 2C-19--Molding Application
edge with pierced holes in fender and press on lightly.
5. S ta rt at center of tran sfer and squeeze outboard from
m iddle to edges removing all air bubbles and wetting
solution to assure a sa tisfa c to ry bond. U se teflon-
backed plastic squeegee only.
6. N otch applique at fender rear contour bend areas with
scissors. Also notch out front m arker lamp.
7. Fold ends of applique over fender flanges using
squeegee. H eat the w rap-around area of applique with
a heat lam p or gun to approxim ately 90°F (32°C) and
press with squeegee to secure entire edge surface.
8. If the w rap-around of the transfer has trouble sticking
to fender edges, brush vinyl adhesive onto the fender or
transfer area. Allow the adhesive to set for one minute
then press transfer to fender for adhesion.
9. Inspect transfer installation from critical angle using
adequate light reflection to detect any irregularities
th at may have developed during installation. Remove
all air or m oisture bubbles by piercing each at an acute
angle with a fine pin or needle and by pressing the
bubble down.
10. Install previously removed parts and clean up vehicle as
1. W ipe clean the entire fender surface, body surface,
door jam flanges, door facings, fender flanges, etce, to
be covered with the transfer with a sponge dam pened
with N ap th a or equivalent.
2. W ipe cleaned surface dry with clean cloth.
3. S tartin g with front fender, cut stripe to length. Allow
excess at ends if necessary to avoid handling ends of
stripe w ith fingers. T rim excess before w rapping
around or tucking ends.
4. Remove about 6.00 in. (1 52.4m m ) of the paper backing
from stripe and align stripe on vehicle. Fender stripe
should bridge the gap at the fender extension, be tucked
in with the edge of the squeegee and then trim m ed with
a razor blade.
5. Pressurize stripe with a soft squeegee or a felt pad. Do
not use thum bs or fingers as adequate pressure cannot
be applied.
6. Remove the decal backing about 12.00 in. (304.8m m )
at a tim e careful not to touch adhesive with fingers and
repeat step no. 5.
7. A fter com plete pressurization, remove the protective
prem ask from the stripes at 180° angle.
8. R epeat above steps no. 4 thru 7 for the doors, qu arter
panels, and end caps.
9. Fold m aterial around wrap areas, pressurize, heat to
app ro xim ately 90°F (32°C ) w ith heat gun, and
10. H eat all areas at ends of stripes (end caps, front of
fender, rear of quarter panel, etc.)
11. Reinspect entire stripe, especially ends and wraps and
re- pressurize and heat where necessary to insure entire
stripe is down.
12. Best results are obtained when m etal tem perature is
70°90°F (21°32°C). Use heat gun or allow cooling time
when m etal is outside approxim ate tem p erature range.
13. The m axim um tem perature th at the tape should be
subjected to is 175°F (79°C ) (p a in t rep a ir oven
tem perature). N o tape stripe job should be left in a
paint repair oven as dam age to the tape may occur.
14. The tape will not be affected by any of the cleaning
solvents, waxes or detergents now being used at the
assembly plants. Acrylic lacquer solvents will affect the
clear coating over the vinyl.
15. This tape stripe highlights m etal im perfections so th at
all dings and rough m etal m ust be repaired before
applying the tape.
16. If a fte r ap plicatio n of stripes, th ere ap pears to be
su rface
th e
tap e

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