GMC 1982 Light Duty Truck Service Manual page 151

Gmc 1982 series 10-35 light duty truck
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affect the perform ance of vital com ponents and systems, an d /o r cpuld result
in m ajor repair expense. They m ust be replaced with one of the sam e part
num ber or with an equivalent part if replacem ent becomes necessary. Do not
use a replacem ent part of lesser quality or substitute design. Torque valves
must be used as specified during reassem bly to assure proper retention of
these parts. For prevailing torque nut(s) and bolt(s), refer to the "R euse of
Prevailing Torque N u t(s) and B olt(s)" chart in Section 10.
G eneral D e s c rip tio n .......................................................... 2C-1
On Vehicle S e r v ic e ............................................................ 2C-1
H o o d - C K M o d e ls ......................................................... 2C-1
Cowl Top Vent Panel ................................................... 2C-1
H ood Hinge ................................................................... 2C-2
H ood L ock M e c h a n ism ............................................... 2C-2
H ood A s s e m b ly ............................................................ 2C-2
H o o d .................................................................................. 2C-3
H ood Hinge ................................................................... 2C-3
H ood L o c k ..................................................................... 2C-3
H ood B u m p e r................................................................... 2C-5
The chassis sheet m etal assem bly is attached to the
fram e and body at adjustm ent points. The front of the
assem bly is supported by two m ounts located at the fram e
side rails. Fore and aft and side adjustm ent is allowed by
oversize holes at the fender rear attaching point and chassis
sheet m etal mounts. Special shims at the rear locations
allow adjustm ent of the rear of the assembly. The lower rear
edge of the assembly is attached to the body at the rocker
panel by bolts on each side. Shim s are used at this location to
provide in and out adjustm ent at the rear of the fender. The
bolts th at retain the sheet m etal braces m ust be torqued to
the required torques. If these bolts are loose, the braces will
not provide additional support for the sheet metal assembly.
The front end sheet m etal design does not include the
radiator support and fenders as loose items inasmuch th at
C o w l Top V e n t Panel (Fig. 2C -1 )
R eplacem ent
1. Remove wiper arms.
NOTICE Fasteners are im portant attaching parts in th at they could
Front Sheet M etal ............................................................2C-6
R adiator S u p p o r t ............................................................2C-7
F ro nt F e n d e r .................................................................. ..2C-8
F ront F en d er and Skirt .............................................. ..2C-8
R unning B o a r d .............................................................. ..2C-8
F en d er Skirt - P S e r ie s .....................................................2C-8
A dhesive B odyside M olding (All V eh ic les)............. ..2C-8
Wood G rain A pplique .....................................................2C-9
Decal A pplique P rocedure (All Vehicles) .................2C-10
S p e c ific a tio n s...................................................................... 2C -11
these items are welded together as an integral part of the
Front end sheet m etal includes the hood assembly,
hood hinges, hood lock catch and support, a hood rod
assembly which supports the hood, a bolted radiator-upper
tie bar, and series designation plates and hoods emblems.
Anti-Corrosion Inform ation
"A nti-corrosion m aterials have been applied to the
in terio r su rfaces of some m etal panels to provide rust
resistance. W hen servicing these panels, areas on which this
m aterial has been disturbed should be properly recoated
with service-type anti-corrosion m ate rial."
2. Open hood and remove two screws at each wiper nozzle
attachm ent.
3. Remove four screws at front of cowl panel.
4. Pry the five plastic fasteners loose from windshield
frame. Remove the panel.
5. Reverse the above listed procedure to replace.

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