Inter-Tel Attendant Console User Manual page 131

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Wrong TCP port
Wrong IP address
CT Gateway or OAI Server not
Attendant Console User Guide
Verify the TCP port. To do so, select Options
from the Console drop-down menu. On the Con-
nection tab, select the OAI Server and click
Edit. The TCP port must be the same as the
OAI Server TCP Port. The default TCP Port of
an OAI Server is 4000. The System OAI Switch
Transceiver (Axxess only) and the CT Gateway
provide configuration screens to change the
port. If the default has been changed, you must
refer to the Transceiver or Gateway to deter-
mine the correct TCP Port.
If connecting to an Axel Office Server (Axxess
only), you can set the TCP port via telnet. Telnet
to the Axel's IP address at TCP port 4096 (type
"telnet <axel_ip_addr> 4096" at a command
prompt). TCP port 4096 is the configuration
port. Once connected to the Axel Office Server,
you can change the configured TCP port by
selecting Network Service under Serial Line
Verify the IP address of the OAI Server. To do
so, select Options from the Console drop-down
menu. On the Connection tab, select the OAI
Server and click Edit. The IP Address must be
the address of the computer running the OAI
Server. The OAI Server can be the CT Gateway,
System OAI Switch Transceiver (Axxess only),
or Call Processing Card (CPC) or CP Server for
Axxess or CS-5200/5400 for ther Inter-Tel 5000,
or Axel Office Server.
Verify the OAI Server is running, that it is com-
municating with all nodes, and that it has at
least one node programmed.
The CT Gateway will not allow Attendant Con-
sole to connect until the CT Gateway is commu-
nicating with all nodes.
If a CT Gateway is communicating with all
nodes and the IP address and TCP port are cor-
rect, restart the CT Gateway computer.
Verify the CT Gateway starts and communicates
with all nodes. If the problem continues, try
restarting the Attendant Console computer.


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