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Hyundai 100D-7 Operating Manual page 183


After dipping the seal assembly in the solvent, shake the excess solvent from the seal assembly
and immediately "pop" the seal into the housing with a firm push of the installation tool. Remove
the installation tool and check the seal standout height at several places around the
circumference of the ring to verify an accurate installation. If the seal does not meet the height
specification, inspect the toric for twists or obvious bulges.
With all surfaces of the toric ring(2) wet
with lsopropanol, use the installation
tool(9) to position the seal ring(1) and the
toric ring(2) squarely against the
housing(5) as shown. Use sudden and
even pressure to pop(push) the toric
ring(2) under the retaining lip(3) of the
The seal can be adjusted by gently
pushing the toric into position by hand or
by using a fabricated adjustment hook.
If small adjustments are necessary, do
not push directly on the seal ring(1) ; use
the installation tool(9) to push down or
the adjustment tool(11) to pull up.
A thin film of light oil should be applied to
the seal faces prior to assembly. Use an
applicator, a disposable tissue or a clean
finger to distribute the oil evenly. Be
careful not to get any oil on the rubber
toric rings.



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