System - Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe 2023 Operator's Manual

Table of Contents


52 52
Occupant safety
a child booster seat with a backrest and seat
belt guide
Mercedes-Benz recommends using a child
booster seat with a backrest.
The child restraint system must be appropriate to
the age, weight and size of the child.
Observe law
e laws and leg
s and legal r
al req equir uirements
Always observe the legal requirements when
using a child restraint system in the vehicle.
Observe st
e standar
andards f
ds for c
or child r
hild res estr traint syst
aint systems
All child restraint systems must meet the following
U.S. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
213 and 225
Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 213
and 210.2
Con rmation that the child restraint system com-
plies with the standards can be found on an
instruction label on the child restraint system.
This con rmation can also be found in the instal-
lation instructions that are included with the child
restraint system.
Detecting r
ecting risk
isks, av
s, avoiding dang
oiding danger er
Securing syst
ing systems f
ems for c
or child r
hild res estr traint syst
t t he v
he vehicle
Use only the following securing systems for child
restraint systems:
the ISOFIX securing rings
the vehicle's seat belt system
the Top Tether anchorages
Installing an ISOFIX child restraint system is pre-
Simply attaching to the securing rings on the vehi-
cle can reduce the risk of installing the child
restraint system incorrectly.
When securing a child with the integrated seat
belt of the ISOFIX child restraint system, always
comply with the permissible gross weight for the
child and child restraint system (
A booster seat may be necessary to achieve
proper seat belt positioning for children over
40 lbs (18 kg) in weight or up to a height at which
a three-point seat belt can be installed properly
without a booster seat.
Mercedes-Benz recommends a suitable child
booster seat with a backrest and seat belt guide.
aint systems in
ems in
A A dv dvant
antag age of a r
e of a rearw
t t em
It is preferable to transport a baby or a small child
in a suitable rearward-facing child restraint sys-
tem. In this case, the child sits in the opposite
direction to the direction of travel and faces back-
Babies and small children have comparatively
weak neck muscles in relation to the size and
weight of their heads. The risk of injury to the cer-
vical spine during an accident can be reduced in a
rearward-facing child restraint system.
Always secur
s secure a c
e a child r
ARNING Risk of injury or death due to
incorrect installation of the child restraint
page 56).


The child can then not be protected or
restrained as intended.
earwar ard-f d-facing c
acing child r
hild res estr traint sy
aint sys- s-
hild res estr traint syst
aint system corr
em correctly


Table of Contents

Table of Contents