Mercedes-Benz C-Class Coupe 2023 Operator's Manual page 127

Table of Contents


If climate control is switched o , the windows
may fog up more quickly. Switch climate control
o only brie y.
Switching t
hing the A/C function
he A/C function on/o
on/o using t
using the air
conditioning contr
conditioning control panel
ol panel
The A/C function heats, cools and dehumidi es
the vehicle's interior air.
Press the ¿ button.
Switch o the A/C function only brie y; other-
wise, the windows may fog up more quickly.
Condensation may drip from the underside of the
vehicle when cooling mode is active. This is not
indicative of a malfunction.
Se Setting climat
tting climate contr
e control t
ol to aut
o automatic mode
omatic mode
In automatic mode, the set temperature is con-
trolled and maintained at a constant level by the
air supply.
Press button à .
T T o switc
o switch t h to manual mode:
o manual mode: press the H or
_ button.
A A ctiv
ating/deactivating t
ating the climat
c c hr hronization function via t
onization function via the air conditioning con-
tr trol panel
ol panel
Climate control can be set centrally using the syn-
he air
chronization function. The temperature and air
distribution settings for the driver's side will be
adopted automatically for the front passenger
Press the 0 button.
The synchronization function will be deactivated if
the settings for one of the other climate control
zones are changed.
Defros osting windows
ting windows
W W indow
indows f s fogg
ogged up on inside
ed up on inside
Press the à button.
If the windows remain fogged up: press
the ¬ button.
W W indow
indows f s fogg
ogged up on outside
ed up on outside
Switch on the windshield wiper.
Press the à button.
he climate contr
e control syn-
ol syn-
Switching air
hing air-r -recir
he air conditioning con-
Press the g button.
The interior air will be recirculated.
Air-recirculation mode automatically switches to
fresh air mode a er a while.
If air-recirculation mode is switched on, the
windows may fog up more quickly. Switch on
air-recirculation mode only brie y.
A A ctiv
ating/deactivating ionization
Multimedia system:
Ionization cleans and refreshes the interior air of
the vehicle. Ionization of the interior air is odor-
Activate O or deactivate ª the function.
Climate control 125
ecirculation mode
culation mode on/o
ating ionization
b Climate Control


Table of Contents

Table of Contents