Warranty - Etesia ET MOWER ETM105 Original User Manual

Table of Contents


• Dealer, importer = Distributor linked to ETESIA by an agreement
(dealership or importer contract). The dealer and the importer are in
charge of selling and servicing ETESIA machines.
• User, buyer = physical or moral person, company, collectivity or
association having bought legally a machine new or second hand
from a dealer.
• Domestic use = use of a machine on a private ground. Machine is
owned by the user and just use to clear its private piece of ground
(main or secondary residence).
• Professional use = use of an ETESIA machine, in exchange of
money or not, on public areas to maintain companies or institutions
like : hospitals, associations,....or on private fields being owned by
a third person.
• The user completes the warranty card indicating the type of use
for every machine. This declaration engages its responsibility and
defines the legal warranty period.
• Should ETESIA discover that the machine is not used in the use
initially declared, ETESIA allows itself to cancel the warranty.
• Wear parts/consumable parts : parts needing to be changed
inevitably to enable an optimal normal use of the machine.
• Normal use = use of the machine according to all instructions
mentioned in the instruction book (including safety and
• In addition to the legal warranty, ETESIA offers a contractual
warranty. The ETESIA warranty concerns the exchange of parts
free of charge in case of material, production or conception
fault. This warranty applies on the product as he leave ETESIA
production line.
• The delivery company is the only responsible in case of transport
damage. It is however the addressee responsibility when damages
occurs during transport to mention reserves on the delivery note
when receiving the goods and to inform ETESIA within 48H by
registered letter.
• The instruction book delivered with every machine contents all
information regarding machines use. Any different use from the
one described in the instruction book can be dangerous for the user
and reduce machine life. In such cases, ETESIA can not be held
• The ETESIA contractual warranty is allowed for 2 years (warranty
period starting the first day when the machine is purchased by the
user). This warranty is just valid if :
1) Instructions from the instructions book have been respected.
2) The warranty card has been returned to ETESIA immediately after
the machine purchase or completed on the extranet site.
3) A revision is recommended after periods indicated in the
instruction book.
4) To require a repair under warranty claim, the buyer will contact
first the ETESIA dealer. Should it not be possible, he could contact
ETESIA who would propose an alternative solution.
5) Just repairs done in ETESIA dealers workshops can be taken under


6) Any material, production or conception fault recognized by
ETESIA as such will be eligible to warranty (parts and labour). It
will therefore be paid back to the dealer according to charge scale
mentioned in the agreement.
It is dealer responsibility to make sure that the end user does
receive the complete warranty allowed by ETESIA.
Should ETESIA not recognize any fault, the dealer will be held
responsible. ETESIA reserves the right to cancel the decision with
no compensation or warning.
Transportation cost for machines and parts are at user cost.
7) Any intervention done within warranty time, in particular in case
of parts exchange, will not give right to any new warranty period.
8) In case of parts exchange under warranty, ETESIA reserves the
right to use either new or second hand parts. Parts given free of
charge by ETESIA can required at any time by ETESIA.
They need to be sent back on simple request. Should ETESIA
not receive these parts, warranty claim would automatically be
9) This warranty however does not cover : parts damaged during a
repair action ; machines not having been serviced according to
the repair schedule mentioned in the instruction book ; parts with
normal wear.
Please find a list (not complete) of wearing parts: Silent block,
blades, bearings, cutting discs, wheels, tactile bumper, contact
10) Warranty right is cancelled in the following cases:
- Damages due to non respect of safety, maintenance use and
storage instructions. ETESIA will not be held responsible,
legally in particular, for damages resulting from other uses than
the ones described in the instruction book.
- Damages due to accident or collision.
- Damages due to a modification of the original machine or use of
non original spare parts.
- Damages on machines not having been maintained by the
ETESIA dealer network.
11) In case of owner change, the outstanding warranty period can be
transferred to the new owner. However to enable this transfer a
written request need to be sent to ETESIA after sales department.
This request needs to attest as well that the new end user has
received the instruction book for the machine as well as the
warranty terms.
12) ETESIA keeps the right to check that preliminary conditions for
warranty have been respected by the buyer.
13) When warranty application is requested, ETESIA does deliver the
parts as soon as possible. However an immediate delivery can not
be requested. A delay in delivery would in no case give right to
compensation or to warranty extension.
14) Any additional claims to ETESIA is excluded.
15) Any breakdown suspected as being a fault subject to warranty
has to be brought to attention to an ETESIA dealer. The ETESIA
dealer is in fact the only contact able to submit a warranty claim
Should a dispute occur the competent tribunal is the one
mentioned in the ETESIA dealership.
As soon as a machine purchase takes place, the warranty cards needs
to be :
- completed, signed and sent back to
- or completed by your dealer on line on the extranet.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents