Fuel Requirements; Fuel Requirement; Additives - Lotus Evora 400 2018 Owner's Handbook Manual

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Fuel Requirements

Use only unleaded gasoline meeting ASTM
specifications. Use of fuels not meeting
ASTM specifications could cause poor per-
formance and increase emissions.
For optimum car performance and fuel
economy, using super or premium unleaded
gasoline, with a minimum octane rating of
91 (RON+MON)/2 is recommended. Where
super or premium fuel is not available,
the Evora will operate satisfactorily on un-
leaded gasoline having a minimum rating of
87 (RON+MON)/2, but vehicle performance
and economy will be reduced.
NOTICE: Using fuel with a lower octane
rating may cause knocking (pinking)
which, if severe, can cause serious engine
damage. Light knocking may occasionally
be heard for short periods when acceler-
ating or driving up hills and should cause
no concern, although using a lower gear
would be advised. If, however, persistent
heavy knocking is heard when using the
specified fuel, a Lotus dealer should be
consulted without delay.
The use of good quality fuels containing
proper detergent additives is advised for
good performance and emission control.
E132T0324JA Federal Evora 400 From SOP OHB English Language.indd 75
Catalytic converters in the exhaust system
reduce noxious exhaust gases and comply
with emission control regulations.
NOTICE: The use of leaded fuel, or lead
replacement petrol (LRP), will cause ir-
reversible contamination of the catalysts
and exhaust gas sensors. The effective-
ness of the catalytic converters decreas-
es after as little as one full tank of leaded
fuel or LRP is used. Fuel system damage
and running problems, resulting from the
use of incorrect fuels will not be covered
by your New Vehicle Warranty.
DO NOT push or tow start the car; or turn
off the ignition at engine speeds above
idle; or run the fuel tank dry, doing so may
damage the catalytic converters.
Always double check that the correct
fuel nozzle has been selected before re-
fuelling. Costs incurred for fuel system
draining and cleaning will not be covered
by the New Vehicle Warranty.


Gasolines Containing Alcohol - Some gaso-
lines sold contain alcohol although they
may not be so identified. Use of fuels with
alcohol are not recommended, unless
the blend can be determined as being
Gasohol - A mixture of 10% ethanol (grain
alcohol) and 90% unleaded gasoline may
be used. If driveability problems are ex-
perienced as a result of using gasohol, it
is recommended that the car is operated
on gasoline.
Methanol - Do not use fuels containing
methanol (wood alcohol) as this can result
in performance deterioration and damage
to critical parts in the fuel system.
Fuels Containing MMT - Some fuels con-
tain methylcyclopentadienyl manganese
tricarbonyl (MMT), which is an octane
increasing additive. Such fuels may dam-
age the emission control system and are
NOT recommended.
Ethanol E5 & E10 - A mixture of 5% or
10% ethanol (grain alcohol) and unleaded
gasoline may be used but the lower octane
rating (typically 88 - 89 {RON+MON}/2) will
result in slightly reduced performance
and economy. If driveability problems are
experienced as a result of using ethanol,
use 91 (RON+MON)/2 unleaded gasoline.
Do not use Ethanol blends with a higher
concentration than 10%.
Diesel - The Lotus Evora will not operate
on diesel fuel.
15/08/2018 14:47:26


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