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Advantech MIC-3355 Manual page 56

6u-sized pentium processor-based cpu module for compactpci


When holding down a key, the Typematic Delay is the time interval
between the appearance of the first and second characters. The input
values (msec) for this category are: 250, 500, 750, 1000.
This setting determines whether the system will boot if the password
is denied, while limiting access to Setup.
The system will not boot, and access to Setup will be
denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt.
The system will boot, but access to Setup will be
denied if the correct password is not entered at the prompt.
Note: To disable security, select PASSWORD SETTING in the main
menu. At this point, you will be asked to enter a password. Simply hit
the <ENTER> key to disable security. When security is disabled, the
system will boot, and you can enter Setup freely.
This setting is under OS/2 system.
This determines whether video BIOS will be copied to RAM, which is
optional according to the chipset design. When enabled, Video
Shadow increases the video speed.
These determine whether optional ROM will be copied to RAM in
blocks of 16 KB.
Optional shadow is enabled
Optional shadow is disabled

