Remak VCS Installation And Operating Instructions Manual page 17

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Control and Protection Functions
Temperature Required Value Compensation
Temperature compensation is actually a correction (shift) of
the required value (set point) of the controlled (room) tempera-
ture according to the outdoor temperature sensor reading,
which adjusts (in addition to other correction values) the
temperature specified in the temperature mode settings. It is
mainly used to reduce differences between outdoor and indoor
temperatures (to eliminate thermal shocks) and the energy
demand of device operation. On the other hand, it can increase
differences ("aggressiveness") in control, if adjusted reversely.
Note: The data point values on the controller are described in
full text (not using abbreviations like TH1, TC1, etc.). Generally,
minus control is also possible.
Fan Speed Compensation
The VCS control unit system enables the pre-set fan speed
to be adjusted depending on the air temperature, air quality
or mixing damper position using fan speed compensations.
Figure 14 – Fan Speed Compensation Description
delta speed (%)
Heating Compensation Settings
Cooling compensation settings
T3 .....Starting point for heating compensation
T4 .....End point for heating compensation
c ........Max. compensation value (delta T)
x.........Actual outdoor temperature
y.........Actual fan speed shift for heating
The sum of individual compensations creates a so-called total
compensation which affects the fan speed change.
Outdoor Temperature-Dependent Fan Speed
The compensation adjusts the fan speed in regards to high
or low outdoor temperatures. The fan speed is adjusted de-
pending on the maximum heating or cooling compensation
settings. A positive compensation value represents a fan
speed increase. A negative compensation value represents
a fan speed reduction.
Note: To make the compensation effective, it is necessary
to set a suitable maximum compensation value if only one
compensation is used.
Room (Outlet) Temperature-Dependent Fan Speed
The fan output is adjusted depending on the required room
temperature and the measured room (supply air) tempera-
ture. The compensation will be activated if the measured
temperature is lower than the required temperature. Using
the compensation function, the fan speed can either be
increased or reduced.
Heating/Cooling-Dependent Fan Speed Compensation
The request for heating or cooling is evaluated by measuring
Outdoor temperature (°C)
T1 .....Starting point for cooling compensation
T2 .....End point for cooling compensation
C ........Compensation value (delta T)
X ........Actual outdoor temperature
Y ........Actual fan speed shift for cooling
Control units VCS
the supply air temperature and comparing it with the required
supply air temperature and then followed by fan output
compensation. The compensation will be activated if the
difference between the required supply air temperature and
the actual supply air temperature is greater than the pre-set
temperature hysteresis. The actual correction extent is related
to the settings of the PID controller constants.
Heating Compensation: It reduces the fan output and
thus sufficient supply air heating is achieved based on the
smaller air volume (used to eliminate insufficient output of
the heat exchanger).
Cooling Compensation: It increases the fan output (higher
air-flow rate) and thus makes the room environment more
comfortable, if cooling is insufficient.
This type of compensation also enables a change to the priority
cooling – fan. So the change in the fan speed is applied first
and then active cooling is applied as the request for cooling is
rising. The settings can be performed using the HMI controller,
refer to the chapter Additional Operating Mode and Function
Setting Options.
Air Quality-Dependent Fan Speed Compensation
The fan output can be adjusted depending on the measured
(VOC, CO) content and the pre-set required value. If the
(VOC, CO) content is higher than the pre-set (permissible)
value, the fan speed will be increased. The compensation ex-
tent is affected by the settings of the PID controller constants.
The measured value range must be set depending on the sen-
sor used. Further, the sensor characteristic (Normal ascending
for CO
and VOC or Inverse descending for CO) must be set.
For the settings, refer to the Data Points.
Air Quality-Dependent Damper Position
Functionality is similar and the settings are common with the
air quality-dependent fan speed compensation. The fan output
or mixing damper position can be affected by the difference
between the measured and pre-set required CO
concentration in the room. The volume of fresh air will be
increased if the measured value is higher than the required
value. The volume of circulated air will be decreased. The
compensation extent is affected by the settings of the PID
controller constants.
Humidity-dependent Damper Position Compensation
If dehumidification using cooling is not sufficient (or not
available), humidity-dependent mixing damper position com-
pensation is the next step. This is adjusted depending on the
required humidity and measured humidity in the room. If the
measured humidity is higher than the required humidity in the
room, the compensation will be activated.
Humidity-dependent Fan Speed Compensation
The fan output is controlled depending on the required hu-
midity and measured humidity in the room. If the measured
humidity is higher than the required humidity in the room, the
compensation will be activated. The compensation function
can either be set to increase or reduce the fan output.
The compensation functions can be enabled using the HMI
controller, refer to the chapter Additional Operating Mode
and Function Setting Options.


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