Initial Start Up - Ametek Drexelbrook Universal IV CM Installation And Operating Instructions Manual

Water cut meter-density compensation with hart protocol
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Initial Start Up

2.3.1 Verify wiring configuration per section 2.2.3
2.3.2 Power up the Cut Monitor (CM) and the Density Compensation Module (DCM)
1. If both units power up properly then skip #2 below
2. If both units fail to power up properly then verify the following voltage levels
Minimum voltage at any of these points should be 19VDC. If not check the power
supply to ensure sufficient output rating.
3. After obtaining proper voltages wait 60 seconds for full power up, proceed to
next step
4. If the display shows a CRITICAL COMM LOSS error, verify the 4-20mA loop
5. If the display shows a MB Master Invalid Response Failure the you may have
an incorrect Modbus register address, this will be corrected later.
6. Confirm the Modbus wires are correct.
Measure from A to B, voltage should be approximately 2.5 VDC. If it is negative,
swap the Modbus wires.
7. Verify the loop current output matches at the PLC and DCM
You may have to enable the 4-20mA Loop Display on the DCM. If so, proceed to
Section 3.4.
The displayed value of current does not matter at this point, only that they
match. If they differ slightly, you can correct this later by performing a trim
and calibration.
8. If they do not match, check wiring. If they do match, proceed to the next
section. Validate CM Operation.


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