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Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual page 6

Nelson's first command


Note: The kit stem is walnut not birch ply as shown.
The gunport patterns (115) should now be identified and removed from the 0.8mm ply sheet. These patterns will be glued into
position in conjunction with the first lower planking of 1x4mm lime. However, it is important that this whole section 'Gunport
Patterns' should be read through and understood prior to any fitting. The gunport patterns themselves form an integral part of
the building process.
Identify and remove the gunport pattern former (15) from the 5mm ply sheet. This former is pinned, not glued, into position
(Photo 008) and the plank termination patterns and bulkheads 1 and 2 will fit 'into' the profiled slots of this former.
Note: Bulkhead 1 will not seat fully into the profiled slot of the former – this is correct, do not try to remove material from the
termination patterns or bulkhead 2 (Photo 004).
With the keel and bulkhead assembly thoroughly dried, some bevelling
be required. Using a length of 1x4mm lime, lay the strip along the edges of the bulkheads and form it around the shape of the
hull. You should clearly be able to see where the bevelling will be required to allow the strip to sit 'flush' against each
Note: The area to be bevelled also includes the location of the gunport pattern.
It will be necessary to bevel the forward edges of bulkheads 1 & 2, the after edges of bulkheads 7 & 8 and both the underside
and after edges of bulkhead 9. The termination patterns, fitted previously, should also be bevelled accordingly.
Note: By looking down on the gunport pattern former you will clearly see the area of bulkheads 1 and 2 that require removal,
it is important that the outside curve of the gunport pattern former is followed, by the bulkhead bevelling, without removing
any material from the former itself (Photo 005).
Note: The profiled slot in the after face of bulkhead 9 (Photo 002) denotes the 'true' lower edge of this bulkhead. It will
therefore require bevelling from the forward lower face back to this slot – the bevelled area will then provide ample surface
area for terminating the planking against (Photo 006). With the bevelling achieved, bulkhead 9 can also be glued into place on
the keel and should be positioned as far forward as its locating 'notch' will allow.
Photo 003
Photo 005
Gunport Patterns
of the bulkheads and plank termination patterns will
2006 JoTiKa Ltd.
Photo 004
Photo 006



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