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Running Rigging - Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual

Nelson's first command


The yards should now be fitted to the masts as follows.
The Fore Yard:
The fore yard is held in place by a pair of truss pendants and the jeers.
The truss pendants are of 0.5mm black thread and rigged as follows:
Form a small eye in one end of the first truss pendant. The eye should be just large enough to allow the 0.5mm
truss pendant to pass through it.
Take the end with the eye in it once around the yard, tightly, against the inboard face of the port sling cleat and
seize it back on itself. It should be seized back on itself so that the eye is held free, just behind the yard. Do not
trim the running end!
Repeat steps one and two for the starboard truss pendant.
Pass the running ends of the two truss pendants around the back of the fore mast, and down through the 'eye' in
the opposite truss pendants.
The running ends run down toward deck, one either side of the mast and each have a 3mm double block seized
into their end approximately 40mm off the deck.
Two 3mm single blocks (1 per side) are hooked into copper eyelets (180) (c3) with the falls of 0.25mm natural
secured into the arse of the block at the same time.
Tackles are now set up between the 3mm single and double blocks and the falls are belayed to the outboard ends
of the bitts crosspiece (b6).
Referring to
Plan Sheets 6 &
span around the fore mast head. The strops should be long enough to allow the blocks to pass down through the fore top
lubber's hole (one port and one starboard) and be held approximately 20mm below the top. A 5mm single block should be held
in a strop, centrally on the fore yard, close against the top of the fore yard. The jeers run as follows:
Rig one end of the jeers with a rigging hook and hook this end through the starboard copper eyelet (180) (c4).
The now running end passes up, forward of the fore yard but within the starboard sling cleat, and through the
starboard 3mm single block held in a span below the fore tops.
The running end passes down and through the 5mm single block on the fore yard.
The running end now passes up and through the port 3mm single block held in a span below the fore tops.
The running end now passes down to deck, again forward of the fore yard but within the port sling cleat, and a
3mm double block is seized in the end approximately 30mm off the deck.
A 3mm single block is hooked through the port copper eyelet (180) (c5), with the falls of 0.25mm natural thread
secured into the arse of the block at the same time.
A tackle is set up between the 3mm single and double block and is belayed to the port outboard end of the bitts
crosspiece (b7).
Photo 068
8, the jeers are of 0.5mm natural thread. Two 3mm single blocks (1 per side) should be held in a

Running Rigging

2006 JoTiKa Ltd.
Photo 069

