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Deck Fittings - Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual

Nelson's first command


Note: These tails should be allowed to hang down and be brushed with watered down PVA and allowed to dry forming
straight, hard tails. A small weight such as a crocodile clip or similar can be attached to the end of the tails while drying to
ensure they hang straight.
When this assembly is complete it can be dry fitted onto the model by passing the 1.5mm brass rod into its locating hole in the
previously fitted after ship's wheel standard.
The position at which the 'tails' of the 0.25mm natural thread meet the deck should be noted and 0.5mm holes drilled down
through the deck to accommodate them. These holes should be no less than 5mm apart, 2.5mm either side of the deck
Note: with a separation of 5mm you will be drilling down through the deck close to the edges of the 5mm ply keel below the
deck and great care will be needed not to break a drill bitt.
When you are happy with the fit of all components the 1.5mm brass rod can be trimmed flush to the forward face of the
forward ship's wheel standard and the exposed brass surface painted matt (metal) black. The assembly can now be secured in
place (Photos 043 & 044).
Photo 043
Photo 044
Captain's Cabin Doors
Identify and remove the captain's cabin doors (76) from the 1.5mm walnut sheet. The doors will be painted entirely red ochre
at a time of your choosing.
Identify and remove four captain's cabin door hinges (148) from the 0.5mm brass etch sheet, these are to be painted matt
(metal) black.
Identify two brass etched eyelets (167) painted matt (metal) black, these will be used to form the door handles and 0.5mm
holes should be drilled through the doors, half way up and just offset from the profiled edges, the eyelets can then be glued into
position such that they will be visible on the forward face of the captains cabin screen. Using
Plan Sheet 2, 'Hinge and Eyelet
for reference, the hinges shouls be glued to the doors as shown, noting that they are positioned on the opposite edge
of the door to the profiled edge. It should also be noted that, when on the model, the profiled edges of the doors will meet each
other (if shown closed) and as such one should face forward and one should face aft. The doors can then be fitted onto the
captain's cabin screen in an open or closed position of your choice.

Deck Fittings

Main Companionway Cover:
(Photo 045) Identify and remove the main companionway cover (86) from the 1.5mm walnut sheet. Sand the cover to fit into
the main companionway coaming. When you are happy with the fit of the cover it should be removed from the model.
Identify, paint matt (metal) black, and remove one brass etch eyelet (167) from the 0.3mm brass etch sheet. Using
Plan Sheet
2, 'Hinge and Eyelet Locations'
for reference, drill a 0.5mm hole centrally through the companionway cover at a distance of
2mm from one end. Identify, paint matt (metal) black, and remove the main companionway cover hinges (154) from the
0.5mm brass etch sheet. Glue the hinges into position on the cover, at the opposite end to the brass etch eyelet as shown. The
cover can be shown in an open or closed position of your choosing noting that the hinges are on the foremost edge. If you
choose to show it in the open position two retaining ropes should be fitted, referring to (Photo 045) drill two 0.5mm holes
through the after corners of the cover 2mm in from the after and side edges as shown. Pass a length of 0.1mm natural thread
through the hole and secure with cyanoacrylate, trim one end flush to the upper exposed surface of the cover. The opposite
ends of the retaining ropes should pass aft and down through 0.5mm holes drilled in the after outboard corners of the hatch
rebate and secured with cyanoacrylate.
2006 JoTiKa Ltd.

