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Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual page 14

Nelson's first command


Upper Gun Deck Gratings, Hatches and Coamings
Starting from the bows, the first opening to be lined is the forward hatch (Photo 025) as shown on
Plan Sheet 2, 'Fore Hatch
Assembly'. It is situated behind the foremast and should be lined with 2x3mm walnut and fitted with a grating. The 2x3mm
should be orientated such that the lining is 2mm wide and stands 3mm from the deck. The lining will be secured
directly to the deck planking but should be cut and dry fitted initially, with the inside face of the lining flush to the inside edges
of the fore hatch cut out – this will result in the opening for the forward hatch remaining at 18mm by 14mm. The athwartships
head ledges
will extend beyond the ends of the fore-and-aft coamings
and be trimmed flush to the outboard edges of the fore-
and-aft coamings as shown.
When you are happy with the fit of the linings they should be removed from the model. Make up a grating set from the grating
strips (196) which are to be slotted together as shown (Fig 001) and, when completed, brush on watered down PVA glue to
secure the strips. Once dry, trim and sand the grating to measure approximately 18mm by 14mm, two notches should also be
cut from the grating as shown (these will later accommodate the anchor cable). With the grating made up and trimmed to size,
glue the coamings and head ledges around the outside edge, remembering their correct orientation and ensuring that both the
top and bottom faces of the grating are flush with the top and bottom edges of the lining (some sanding may be required to
reduce the thickness of the grating). When thoroughly dried, this whole assembly can be glued into position over the locating
opening in the deck noting that the two notches should be orientated to the after end of the model.
Photo 025
Photo 026
As shown on
Plan Sheet 2, 'Main Hatch
Assembly', the main hatch (Photo 026) is next to be lined with 2x3mm walnut
orientated as per the forward hatch lining but the main hatch also requires a 'recessed' lining of 1.5x1.5mm walnut onto which
the main hatch covers will sit (Photo 027). In a similar manner to the forward hatch linings, the 1.5x1.5mm walnut will be
secured directly to the deck planking but should be cut and dry fitted initially, with the inside face of the 1.5x1.5mm walnut
flush to the inside edges of the main hatch cut out – this will result in the opening for the main hatch remaining at 22mm by
19mm. The athwartships head ledges will extend beyond the outboard edges of the fore-and-aft coamings as before. When you
are happy with the fit of the 1.5x1.5mm recessed lining, the lining proper can be cut and dry fitted from 2x3mm walnut. Again
this will be secured directly to the deck planking and tight against the outside of the 1.5x1.5mm recess lining, thus forming a
1.5mm rebate. As before, the athwartships head ledges will extend beyond the outboard edges of the fore-and-aft coamings.
When you are happy with the fit of these components they can be glued together and secured onto the model.
Note: It is important that the distance fore-and-aft, within the 2x3mm linings measures 25mm in order that the five main hatch
covers, cut from 1.5x5mm walnut, will form a tight fit.
The main hatch covers can now be cut and fitted. Using 1.5x5mm walnut cut the covers to length (approximately 22mm) to fit
tightly athwartships within the main hatch lining, five are required in total. Once the covers have been cut and you are happy
with their fit they should be fitted with ringbolts
constructed from pairs of copper eyelets (180). Gently open one copper
eyelet enough to pass the ring of a second copper eyelet through, with the second copper eyelet in position, gently re-close the
first eye and trim the 'stem' off one eyelet. Repeat this until you have ten ringbolts and paint matt (metal) black. Drill 0.65mm
holes through each end of the main hatch covers, centrally fore-and-aft and approximately 2mm in from each end, to take the
ringbolts. When the ringbolts have been fitted to the covers, trim the 'stem' flush with the bottom face of the cover and fit to
the model – the covers can be shown either open or closed (Photos 026 & 027) to your own preference but bear in mind that
the ships boats will be positioned over the main hatch at a later stage.
2006 JoTiKa Ltd.



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