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Standing Rigging - Jotika H.M. Brig Badger Assembly Manual

Nelson's first command


Plan Sheet 6
for reference, temporarily drill and pin the yards in place on the masts (using dome headed pins), the
spritsail yard is positioned on the underside of the bowsprit directly forward and below the spritsail yard saddle as shown on
Plan Sheet
6. With the locations marked, drilled and pinned, remove the yards and set them to one side, they will not be finally
fitted until needed for the running rigging.
Identify the main and foremast coats (100). Pass the masts through their respective coats and step the masts into their locating
holes through the deck, adjust the masts to their desired rake and secure the coat to the deck (ensure the masts are all vertical
when viewed fore-and-aft).
Note: It will be necessary to slightly bevel the internal hole through the mast coats to allow them to sit flush on the deck while
still allowing the mast to pass through at the correct rake determined by their locating slots in the keel.
Secure the masts in place.
Identify and paint matt (metal) black the rail stanchions for the tops (125) from the 0.9mm brass etch sheet. Using
for reference, the stanchions are fitted to the top of the gunwale, in their pre drilled locating holes. There are four stanchions
fitted across each of the tops. Cut to length and paint dull black lengths of 1.5x1.5mm walnut to fit into the 'U's' of the rail
stanchions across the tops, as hand rails. The hand rails should be approximately the same length as the width of the top, but
not exceeding this measurement.
Note: All
numbers in these rigging instructions refer to belaying points
Plan Sheet 10
unless otherwise stated.
The rigging plans have been drawn following extensive research, contemporary and modern. We would recommend that you
follow these drawings exactly unless you are converting the model to an earlier or later version of the ship.
Note: Never use super glue on the rigging unless specifically stated in the instructions. Brushed on watered down PVA should
be used for the majority of the knots. Super glue can be applied to the end of the rigging only, to aid threading through the
Tackle Pendants (Pendants of Tackles):
One pair of tackle pendants is required on each lower mast.
The tackle pendants are from 0.5mm black thread. Using
reference, lead the pendant up through the main top lubber's hole, pass it round the back of the lower mast head, around the
front and back down through the lubber's hole, same side. Secure the end off to itself as close to the tops as possible. Repeat
this process for the opposite side and on both lower masts. The pendants hang down 41mm below the top and a 5mm single
block is seized into their ends.
Burton Pendants:
One pair of burton pendants is required on each topmast.
The burton pendants are from 0.5mm black thread. Using
reference, lead the pendant up between the second and third topmast crosstrees (from the front), pass it round the back of the
topmast head and back down between the second and third topmast crosstrees, opposite side. The pendants hang down 28mm
below the top and an eye (loop) should be formed in each of their ends (unlike the tackle pendant they are not fitted with a
Stepping the Masts
'Top' Hand Rails

Standing Rigging

as described. All of these points can be found on
Plan Sheet 7, 'General Rigging Sequence at Lower Mast Head'
Plan Sheet 7, 'General Rigging Sequence at Top Mast Head'
2006 JoTiKa Ltd.
Plan Sheet

